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Baptismal Covenant Concentration
Product Details
19 Visuals (Color, Black-and-White, and Instructions).
POST-AND-PRESENT ACTIVITY. BAPTISMAL COVENANT Concentration. Children learn ways to keep their covenants, serve others and keep the commandments with this game. They turn quilt puzzle pieces over to make a match, read the message, e.g, “I will be kind to others”, and soon reveal the words that reveal God’s blessings like pouring out His Spirit and granting eternal life.
Rewards: “he will pour out his Spirit more abundantly” . . . and “grant unto you eternal life” (Mosiah 18:10, 13).
Keywords: Baptism, Baptismal, Covenant, Covenants, Holy Ghost, Spirit, Eternal Life, Commandments, Rewards, Blessings
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Baptismal Covenant Concentration
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BOOK OF MORMON Activities, Scriptures, and Song Visuals