YOUTH GOAL ACTIVITY. MY MODESTY CHECKLIST poster and bookmark. Youth can check off this list to improve their personal dress, and body care, and aid them in keeping God’s standards of virtue. “My body is a spiritual gift that I will treat with respect.” Examples: “Are my shoulders covered?” “Do my clothes fit well, not too tight?”
Questions To Ask Yourself Before You Leave Home Might Be (MODESTY):
• Are my shoulders covered?
• Do my shirts cover my stomach?
• Are my shirts and pants modestly cut, not too low?
• Do my shorts or skirts go to the knee so they are not too short?
• Do my clothes fit well, not too tight?
• Are my clothes clean and without holes?
• Do my clothes have wholesome labels and words?
• Is my body free of tattoos?
• Am I free of ear piercings (boys)?
• Do I have only one ear pierce per ear (girls)?
• Do I look neat, not sloppy?
• Is my body and hair clean?
GROOMING (some ideas on the chart): Are my clothes clean and without holes? Do I look neat, not sloppy? Is my body and hair clean?
TO MAKE print My Modesty Checklist chart in color or black and white for each child/youth.
THOUGHT TREAT: Modest Dress Gingerbread or Sugar Cookie Boy/Girl Cookie. Make a gingerbread cookie in the shape of a person using a cookie cutter. Frost and decorate with modest dress.
Printable Quote and Activities to Motivate Youth to Dress Modestly
TO PRINT THE FOLLOWING QUOTES, right click on image/quote to copy and paste it into a MsWord document
Modesty is an attitude of propriety and decency in dress, grooming, language, and behavior. If we are modest, we do not draw undue attention to ourselves. Instead, we seek to “glorify God in [our] body, and in [our] spirit” (1 Corinthians 6:20; see also 1 Corinthians 6:19).
Source SFT.CTR.6.4
• FEBRUARY Lesson __ “Why should I treat my body like a temple?”
• SEPTEMBER Lesson 2 “How do I guard my virtue?”
• “Modesty [in dress] helps bring out the best in us by helping us focus on the spiritual instead of the natural man,” says Paul Cave of Utah. By dressing modestly, we encourage others to get to know us and appreciate us for our personality and character rather than how we look.”
• Carrie explains, “Immodest clothing is intended to portray the body as a physical object that is detached from a spirit with personality and character. Being modest, even though it has cost me more money sometimes and definitely more time, has helped me to learn that my body is the vessel of a precious spirit with divine potential and destiny, begotten and reared by Heavenly Parents. It deserves much more care and respect than the world would give it.”
• True to the Faith teaches: “In addition to avoiding [immodest clothing], you should avoid extremes in clothing, appearance, and hairstyle. In dress, grooming, and manners, always be neat and clean, never sloppy or inappropriately casual.”5 In the way we clothe and present ourselves, we communicate our respect for God, for ourselves, and for others.