AGES 4-7 LESSON ACTIVITY/CRAFT. I AM A CHILD OF GOD heavenly family photo. Customize a child’s picture, glue their photo there, or use one of the girl/boy images to help a child know they are God’s spirit child in heaven, sent to earth. This heavenly family photo helps them know they are part of God’s kingdom that God the Father is their heavenly father and God’s Son Jesus is their brother.
USE FOR: COME FOLLOW ME, Primary and Home (family home evening), Activity Days, Sunday School, Bible Study
I Am a Child of God heavenly family photo
OBJECTIVE: The lesson/activity helps children realize that Heavenly Father loves each of us because we are His children. Create a Heavenly Family photo to place the child’s photo or girl or boy image to color to look like the child in the picture.
ACTIVITY: Help children put themselves in a portrait with Heavenly Father and Jesus and other children to know they are part of a heavenly family. Tell them that we are all Heavenly Father’s children and that we are all brothers and sisters.

1. Using cardstock paper, print or copy, color, and cut out a heavenly family photo and frame for each child.
2. Cut out three 1/4″ squares of the egg carton for each photo and glue on silhouette squares.
3. Glue a girl or boy on a silhouette image on each photo (over the egg carton squares so the image will stand out).
4. Fold frame according to directions and glue corners.
5. Tape a string to the back of the framed photo so they can hang it on the wall.
THOUGHT TREAT: Gingerbread Girl or Boy Cookie. Remind children that they are created in the image of our Heavenly Father and Jesus.
For the I Am a Child of God heavenly family photo
The above activity illustrates Discussion #1 in the lesson (detailed below*).
*Discussion (from the lesson)
Show picture 2-2, Family with a Baby, and let the children point out the members of the family, or show the picture of a newborn baby.
How old do you think this baby is?
Where did this baby live before it was born on earth?
Explain that we all lived in heaven with Heavenly Father before we came to this earth. We are his children. That is why we call him Heavenly Father. We also lived with our heavenly mother and all the rest of Heavenly Father’s children. Everyone who has been born on the earth is a child of Heavenly Father. We do not remember living with Heavenly Father, but we know we are his children because we read it in the scriptures.
*Song (suggestion from the lesson)
DOWNLOAD I Am a Child of God song visuals (HERE or below).
Have the children sing the first verse of “I Am a Child of God.” Remind the children that God is another name for Heavenly Father.
Point out that the words of the song tell us that each of us is a beloved child of Heavenly Father and that he planned for us to come to earth and receive our physical bodies. He also planned for us to have families to love and teach us so we can return to live with him again.
* Paper doll discussion (from the lesson)
Show the children the paper doll chain.
How are we like these paper dolls? (We also have arms, legs, and heads.)
How are we different from them? (They are made of paper; we have bodies made of flesh and bone. They aren’t alive; we are alive. They all look alike; we look different from each other.)
What would it be like if we all looked alike?
*Testimony (suggested in the lesson)
Testify that you know Heavenly Father loves us because he has given us physical bodies, a beautiful earth to live on, and families who love us.
Encourage the children to thank Heavenly Father in their prayers tonight for being able to come to earth.
DOWNLOAD the I Am a Child of God paper dolls (HERE or below)