AGES 4-7 ACTIVITY REPENTANCE: When I’ve done wrong repentance is my band-aid! bandage breastplate. Children can heal their spirits or a broken heart as they say they are sorry for wrongdoings. Feeling guilty is like an open wound that needs healing. Use this bandage breastplate as a reminder that by praying to Heavenly Father and talking to Him about the sin, they can repent and follow Jesus. Jesus made it possible for us to repent when He suffered for our sins.
For CHURCH & HOME Primary, Sunday School, scripture study, and COME FOLLOW ME
When I’ve done wrong, repentance is my BAND-AID! breastplate
OBJECTIVE: The lesson helps children understand the principle of repentance and why it is important in their lives.
Activity: Repentance Bandage Breastplate
Tell children that a bandage placed on the skin helps protect and heal a wound. Our spirit also needs protection and time to heal. When we repent and say we are sorry for our sins, we allow our spirit to heal and mend.
Talk about how Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ have made it possible to correct our mistakes so that we can enjoy life here on earth and eventually return to live with them forever.
TO MAKE Print or copy, color, and cut out the visual that follows for each child on cardstock paper. Punch a hole on each side. Tie end of ribbon or string in left and right holes. Hang around the child’s neck and over the chest.
THOUGHT TREAT: Bandage Gum. Tape a bandage over a piece of gum and as children open gum and chew, ask them to say, “When I’ve done wrong, repentance is my band-aid! I ‘chew&s to repent.”
Review the enrichment activity 2 in the manual for which the above activity illustrates (as follows):
Have the children act out feeling sorry and asking someone for forgiveness for some wrong they have done. Emphasize that sincerity is important when asking for forgiveness. This sincerity often shows in their tone of voice. Demonstrate for them how to ask for forgiveness both insincerely and sincerely, and have them practice asking with the right tone of voice and posture.
thanks for your good ideas