YOUTH LESSON ACTIVITY. “PEACE, BE STILL.” Jesus calming the sea ship scene. Remind youth of the scene where Jesus used His priesthood powers (Mark 4:39) to calm the sea. Use the handle on the back of the scene to move the boat back and forth.
For CHURCH & HOME Primary, Sunday School, scripture study, and COME FOLLOW ME
“The Priesthood Can Help Me”
“Peace, be still.”
Calming the Seas (moving ship scene)
OBJECTIVE: The lesson activity helps children understand how the priesthood can help us find peace.
ACTIVITY: Calming the Seas Moving Ship Scene
Use the moving ship scene to talk about and remind children of the story in Mark 4:39 where Jesus calmed the storm. Show the video* below.
Tell children that Jesus helps and blesses us through the power of the priesthood. Hold onto the handle on the back of the scene with one hand and with the other, use the stick to move the boat back and forth. To simulate a rough sea, move the handle fast; to show a calm sea, move the handle slowly.
1. Print or copy, color, and cut out the ship scene, boat, and handle.
2. Mount the top-half of a wooden craft stick to the back of the boat with glue and tape.
3. Cut a slit in the scene where indicated (in the water).
4. Place the boat in the scene by inserting the stick into the slit, allowing you to rock the boat back and forth.
5. Fan-fold the handle (shown on the pattern page) and glue or tape the handle to the back of the scene just above the slit; to hold onto the page with one hand as you move the boat with the other hand holding the bottom of the wooden craft stick.
THOUGHT TREAT: Banana Boat with Cheese Sails. Cut a banana in half crosswise and lengthwise and insert a slice of cheese with a toothpick for the sail. As you eat, talk about the story from Mark 4:35–41, showing the ship scene (above).
*Scripture story
Tell the children that this lesson is about another kind of power—a power even greater than electricity. Invite the children to listen to the following story and to think about what kind of power is being used. Tell the story found in Mark 4:35–41.
How would you feel if you were on a boat during a bad storm?
Explain that the disciples woke Jesus Christ because they were frightened of the storm. Read aloud what the disciples asked Jesus in the last part of Mark 4:38 (from Master). The disciples were afraid that the storm would sink the boat and they would all die.
Show picture 2-28, Stilling the Storm, and read aloud Mark 4:39 to see what Jesus did. Have the children repeat Jesus’ words: “Peace, be still.”
DOWNLOAD the matching “Peace, be still” activity above.
Explain that the disciples were amazed that the storm was calmed so quickly. Read aloud from Mark 4:41 what they asked each other: “What manner of man is this, that even the wind and the sea obey him?” Jesus’ disciples were surprised that he had the power to control the wind and the waves.
DOWNLOAD the song visuals for the song “Tell Me the Stories of Jesus” (HERE or right) Song illustrates the above lesson activity of Jesus calming the sea in the third verse:
“Tell me, in accents of wonder, how rolled the sea,
Tossing the boat in a tempest on Galilee!
And how the Master, ready and kind,
Chided the billows and hushed the wind.”
More Learning Activities:
• PRIESTHOOD POWER – TAKE HOME ACTIVITY (REPORT THIS WEEK): As the lesson details: Talk about the blessings that come from the priesthood by sharing with children the Priesthood Power Blessings Journal (shown) that you can DOWNLOAD from this website. Ask children to write on these their feelings about each priesthood blessing.
*SHOW VIDEO “Calming the Tempest” (Mark 4:37-40) that follows ⇓