CHILDREN’S LESSON ACTIVITY. DARE TO DO RIGHT & BE TRUE CTR (Choose the Right) wristbands. Children can know from these bands that they can DARE to do right! DARE to be true! When temptation comes just to say, “no” and run!

Also, DOWNLOAD and practice singing “Dare to Do Right” using song visuals (HERE or below). 

$1.50 Little LESSON LIFESAVER Activity for Come Follow Me - Primary and Home lessons, family home evening, Bible Study, Sunday School

For CHURCH & HOME Primary, Sunday School, scripture study, and COME FOLLOW ME


“Dare to Do Right – Dare to Be True” CTR wristbands

OBJECTIVE: The lesson helps children understand that they can choose the right as Jesus Christ did when Satan tried to tempt him. 

ACTIVITY: CTR Wristbands
As children wear this wristband they can be reminded to resist or RUN away from temptation and DARE to do what is right. They will want to be true to gospel teachings as you challenge them to “DARE to do right,” and “DARE to be true.” As children are reminded that Heavenly Father wants them to return to Him, they will desire to keep His commandments.


Little LESSON LIFESAVER Activity: “Dare to Do Right – Dare to Do True” CTR wristbands
HOVER OVER or ZOOM IN (to view)

1. Using cardstock, print or copy, color, and cut out the wristbands.
2. Attach sticky-back Velcro or a paperclip to bands to make it easy to put on and take off.


Rex D. Pinegar, Apostle, General Authority

1. Print the “My Dear Friends” letter for children from Elder Rex D. Pinegar, General Authority for The Church since 1972. Click HERE to print the letter from the October 1974 Friend.
2. Write the child’s name on the letter and enclose it in an envelope.
3. To add the picture of Elder Rex D. Pinegar teaching children (shown above), right-click on the picture then “save picture as” into your picture directory.

SING Dare to Do Right in the Children’s Songbook p. 71-72
DOWNLOAD the “Dare to Do Right” song visuals (HERE or below)

DARE TO DO RIGHT song visuals

Thought Treats for lesson activitiesTHOUGHT TREAT: CTR Treasure Cupcakes. Before baking cupcakes, write “Dare to CTR” on slips of paper, wrap in foil, and drop into cupcake liner as you fill with batter. Surprise! Children find the treasured note baked inside.

EXTRA IDEAS – Review The Temptations of Christ by the Elder Howard W. Hunter (Apostles and Prophet), telling about Jesus’ temptations (as addressed in the lesson).

CHOOSE THE RIGHT Activity: “Dare to Do Right and Be True” wristbands, for Come Follow Me Primary, Sunday School, and family night – Primary Lesson Helps, Primary 2 CTR-A, Lesson 14

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