AGES 4-7 I CAN KEEP THE SABBATH DAY HOLY rebus medallion. Children can be reminded that Sunday is a special day as they wear this picture message around their neck to read Exodus 20:8 “Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.” The bathtub will prompt them to wash clean and get ready to attend church.

Sabbath Day Exodus 20:8 (Rebus Medallion)

For CHURCH & HOME Primary, Sunday School, scripture study, and COME FOLLOW ME

SUNDAY Commandments
Sabbath Day Exodus 20:8
(Rebus Medallion)

OBJECTIVE: The lesson will help strengthen each child’s desire to keep the Sabbath day holy. 

ACTIVITY: Sabbath Day Medallion
Create a picture message medallion to strengthen each child’s desire to keep the Sabbath Day a holy day. Help children figure out the scripture message reading REBUS SCRIPTURE top left-to-right, then bottom left-to-right (Exodus 20:8): “Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.”

$1.50 Little LESSON LIFESAVER Activity for Come Follow Me – Primary and Home (family home evening), LDS, Christian, Bible Study
HOVER OVER or ZOOM IN (to view)

1. Print or copy activity on cardstock, color and cut out.

2. Punch holes at the top left and right.
3. Tie a string at each end to hang around the child’s neck or head. Shown here, children tied two extra-large elastics together. Elastics are flexible for headbands. Children can hang the medallion in their room as a reminder.

THOUGHT TREAT: Sabbath Sandwich. Make a peanut butter or cream cheese sandwich, cutting off the crust; then cut in fourths. Then add the letter “S” for Sunday or Sabbath day on top, using thinned peanut butter or processed cheese in a tube or can.


• *Present Lesson 37 – Primary 2 Manual – CTR-A: I Can Keep the Sabbath Day Holy. Review discussion ideas (below) from the manual for which the above activity illustrates.


*DISCUSSION IDEAS (from the manual):

We Can Keep the Sabbath Day Holy

Discuss with the children the kinds of activities that are appropriate for the Sabbath. Ask them what things they have done today to keep the Sabbath day holy. Help them understand that going to church, praying, singing, giving talks in church meetings, learning about the teachings of Jesus, and partaking of the sacrament are some of the things we can do to keep the Sabbath day holy.

Explain that we should not work on Sunday, if possible, and we should not do things that keep us from thinking about Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.

Describe some activities the children might participate in. Ask the children to smile if the activity is something we should do on the Sabbath and 
frown if the activity is not something we should do on the Sabbath. Use the examples below or others appropriate for the children in your class.

  • Going to church.

  • Cleaning the house.

  • Visiting relatives.

  • Going shopping.

  • Going to a movie.

  • Reading the scriptures or other good books.

  • Praying.

  • Watching or participating in a game of sports.

  • Writing letters.

  • Going for a walk.

  • Playing scripture games.

  • Visiting a sick person.

I Can Keep the Sabbath Day Holy, Primary Lesson Helps, Primary 2 CTR-A, Lesson 37

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