CHILDREN’S LESSON ACTIVITY. “I WILL REMEMBER JESUS” sacrament reminder bracelet. Children can wear this to remember to prepare each week to partake of the sacrament. Then, like the apostles during the Last Supper, we can partake of the bread and water to remember Him. He suffered for our sins and died for us so we might live again.
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“I Will Remember Jesus” (Sacrament reminder bracelet)
OBJECTIVE: The lesson helps children remember Jesus during the Sacrament.
ACTIVITY: Sacrament Reminder Bracelet
This “I will remember Jesus” bracelet helps children remember Jesus during the sacrament. Explain that when we are reverent during the sacrament, it is easier to think about Jesus.
THOUGHT TREAT (when appropriate): Unleavened Bread. Provide flatbread or pita bread to show the type of bread Jesus ate; compare it with the yeast slices of bread we often eat today. Explain that the people ate their bread with honey. Serve with honey butter (mix half honey with half butter). How-to Steps (shown right) and recipe (below).