AGES 4-7 ACTIVITY. CHOOSING THE RIGHT Brings Happy Feelings (happy heart medallion). This reminder for children to play with could be used to vote on a particular action if it is RIGHT raise the right hand on the medallion. If, the action is wrong the LEFT hand. Plus lesson ideas to get them thinking.

CHOOSING THE RIGHT Brings Happy Feelings happy heart medallion ACTIVITY

For CHURCH & HOME Primary, Sunday School, scripture study, and COME FOLLOW ME


CHOOSING THE RIGHT Brings Happy Feelings happy heart medallion


OBJECTIVE: The lesson helps children understand that doing what is right makes us happy while doing what is wrong makes us unhappy. 

ACTIVITY. Talk to children about the medallion that reminds them that “Choosing the right brings happy feelings.”

As noted (above): This reminder for children to play with could be used to vote on a particular action if it is RIGHT raise the right hand on the medallion. If, the action is wrong the LEFT hand. Plus lesson ideas to get them thinking.

1. Using cardstock, copy, color, and cut out the happy heart medallion parts that follow for each child.

2. Fold arms in half and glue back to back.* Fan-fold the arms.
3. Glue hands to arms on part B then glue back-to-back part A arm on the left- and right-inside of hearts with thumbs up. Then glue hearts back-to-back.
4. Tie ends of yarn or ribbon through each hole and place them around the child’s neck.*Note: If you copy the pattern on cardstock and the arms are too stiff, only use half the arm, cutting the other half away.

CHOOSING THE RIGHT Brings Happy Feelings happy heart medallion ACTIVITY
HOVER OVER or ZOOM IN (to view)


THOUGHT TREAT Cherry “Cheery Smile” Cookies. Add finely chopped maraschino cherries to sugar cookie dough (with 1/4 cup extra flour). Roll out the dough and cut it into heart shapes. Bake at 350° for 8–10 minutes. Tell children this cherry cookie reminds them to wear a “cheery” happy smile. They can be cheery or happy by choosing the right (to follow Jesus).


For the CHOOSING THE RIGHT Brings Happy Feelings

The above activity (using the happy heart medallion) illustrates the Testimony activity in the lesson. Bear testimony that we can have happy feelings when we CTR Choose The Right. Each time we make a RIGHT choice it becomes easier the next time (to follow Jesus).


TELL what a child did wrong and felt unhappy.
TALK about what they would do to change that unhappy feeling. 

• Taking something that did not belong to them.
• Sassing their mother or father.
• Telling mother they would tend to baby sister and didn’t.
• Borrowed something and didn’t return it.
• Told a lie.
DOWNLOAD the Choose the Right: Slap Happy Game (HERE or below) for more ideas to TELL-AND-TALK about.


Song Visuals "I'm Trying to Be Like Jesus" for singing practice or family home evening

Talk about words in the song,I’m trying to be like Jesus; I’m following in his ways. I’m trying to love as he did, in all that I do and say. At times I am tempted to make a wrong choice, . . .

Choose the Right Way SONG VISUALS Children's Songbook p. 160

Learning this song will help youth know “There’s a right way to live and be happy; It is choosing the right ev’ry day.” As they learn the teachings of Jesus they will help them and show them the way. Through prayer, faith, repentance, and obedience they can “truly be happy each day.” 

Choosing the Right Gives Me a Happy Feeling, Primary Lesson Helps, Primary 2 CTR-A, Lesson 26

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