AGES 4-7 LET YOUR LIGHT SHINE! Example Candle mobile. Children can follow Jesus as they let their light shine at CHURCH, HOME, and SCHOOL (Matthew 5:14-16) to “light a candle” and put it on “a candlestick” to give light to others. Mobile turns and children can turn their attention to show light wherever they are. For example, be kind, helpful, forgiving, caring, patient, and obedient.

$1.50 Little LESSON LIFESAVER Activity for Come Follow Me, Primary, Family Home Evening, Bible Study and Sunday School

For CHURCH & HOME Primary, Sunday School, scripture study, and COME FOLLOW ME


Let Your Light Shine!
Example Candle mobile

The lesson helps encourage the children to let their lights shine as followers of Jesus Christ. See Lesson Ideas (below*).

ACTIVITY: Example Candle mobile
Use this candle mobile to remind children to let their light shine in CHURCH, at SCHOOL, and at HOME as Jesus did. Jesus was our greatest example (Matt. 5:14–16). As you turn the mobile, discuss how they can be an example in each. 

1. Using cardstock, copy, color, and cut out the candle that follows for each child.
2. Fold the candle and tape a 16″ string halfway down on the inside.
3. Glue tabs.
4. Hang mobile.

Thought Treats for lesson activitiesTHOUGHT TREAT: Candle-in-a-CupCake. Place a candle in a cupcake and light it if you are at home, or pretend to light and blow-out the candle if you are at church. Tell children, “When we choose the right we let our light shine. By choosing the right we are good examples to our friends and family at church, school, and at home.”

Help children memorize this great scripture on being a good example: “Let your light so shine ….” CLICK HERE or below to DOWNLOAD Matt. 5:16 scripture poster/card set ⇓ 

$2.00 Matthew 5:16 SCRIPTURE POSTER & CARDS, Primary Sharing Time, Come Follow Me, Family Home Evening, example, fellowship, service, commandments,


Scripture story

Explain that when Jesus Christ lived on the earth, there were no electric lights. After the sun went down and it got dark, people sometimes burned candles in their homes so they would have light to see.

Tell the children that one day Jesus was teaching his disciples a lesson about being a good example to others (see Matthew 5:14–16). To help the disciples understand how their actions could help others, Jesus compared the actions to the light of a candle. Read aloud what Jesus told his disciples, as found in Matthew 5:15.


Scripture story

Explain that when Jesus Christ lived on the earth, there were no electric lights. After the sun went down and it got dark, people sometimes burned candles in their homes so they would have light to see.

Tell the children that one day Jesus was teaching his disciples a lesson about being a good example to others (see Matthew 5:14–16). To help the disciples understand how their actions could help others, Jesus compared the actions to the light of a candle. Read aloud what Jesus told his disciples, as found in Matthew 5:15.

Object lesson

Put the candle under a basket or box.

  • What would happen if it were dark and we lit the candle but then covered it with a basket (box)? (No one could see the light.)

Remove the basket or box and put the candle on a candlestick.

  • What would happen if it were dark and we put the candle on a candlestick and then lit the candle? (The candle would give light to the room, and everyone would be able to see.)

Explain that Jesus wanted his disciples to be like the candle and give light to others. If the disciples followed Jesus’ teachings and were good examples, then other people would see what they should do.


Read aloud from Matthew 5:16 what Jesus said to his disciples. Explain that Jesus wants us to follow this instruction too.

  • What does let your light so shine mean in this scripture? (Be a good example.)

  • What can happen when we are good examples for our friends and those around us?


    Children Can Be Good Examples

    Tell the children that we can all follow Jesus Christ’s instruction to let our lights shine by being good examples for others. When we choose to follow Jesus, other people can learn about him by watching us.

    Ask a child to uncover a paper candle by removing the paper basket that covers it. Read the name or names on the candle. Then tell the story that goes along with that candle. Repeat with the other two baskets and candles, telling the other two stories. SEE THESE IN THE LESSON (CLICK HERE).


EXAMPLE Activity: “Let Your Light Shine” at CHURCH, HOME, SCHOOL – Come Follow Me lesson for Primary and Home, Bible Study

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