AGES 4-7. Follow Jesus and Obey: Heavenly Treasure Hunt and Match Game. Children can learn to follow the example of Jesus as they dig deep to find treasure cards: Keep the commandments; love one another; tell the truth; come home on time; do your chores; finish homework, and say “Quickly, I’ll obey.” The promise on the treasure card reads, “If I obey and follow the Savior, I can live with Heavenly Father. This to me is the greatest treasure!”
For CHURCH & HOME Primary, Sunday School, scripture study, and COME FOLLOW ME
FOLLOW JESUS Heavenly Treasure Hunt and match game
OBJECTIVE: Encourage each child to follow Jesus Christ’s example by being obedient.
ACTIVITY: Heavenly Treasure Hunt and Match Game
Have a treasure hunt so children can find a treasure bag filled with treats and cards to remind them to be obedient and follow Jesus. This way they can receive the greatest treasure—to live with Heavenly Father again.

Treasure Hunt: Write clues on the backs of the cards and hide them. When children go to find them, have them go from one to the next, reading the cards aloud as they find them. Then read the clues to the next card. The last card found should lead them to find the large treasure card (shown right): “If I obey and follow the Savior, I can live with Heavenly Father. This to me is the greatest treasure!”
Talk about what it would be like to obtain this treasure. We would have peace and happiness, we could be with our families forever, everyone would learn about the gospel.
Option: The clue cards could be placed under objects children could find; for example, the card with the clock, “Come Home on Time,” could be placed under a clock, and the clue written on this card could lead them to the books where the clue card “Finish Homework” could be found.
Match Game: Children love playing this as a match game. This way you can talk about each action that will take us back to heaven as they make a match. You will need an extra set of cards. Note: Children will want to take a match set of cards to take home, so make extras.
Note: If children need coaxing to find clues, you might say when they are getting cold, colder, warm, warmer, hot, or freezing.
1. Print or copy, color and cut out the activity.
2. Glue the label to the back of a lunch sack or slip inside a zip-close plastic bag for each child to take home.
3. Place treats and obedience reminder cards inside the bag.
4. Make an extra set of cards so children can play the Match Game and take a match game home.
THOUGHT TREAT: Sweetest Treasure Treats. Place small candies inside the heavenly treasure hunt bag. Remind children that candy is sweet and fun to eat, but it doesn’t last long. The sweetest treasure can last forever. That treasure is to live with Heavenly Father again. Read the treasure sack label above to learn the message.
• Present Lesson 30 – Primary 2 Manual – CTR-A: I Can Be Obedient. Review the enrichment activity (p. 159) in the manual for which the following activity illustrates.
DOWNLOAD MORE “TREASURE” ACTIVITIES (click titles or posters below):
• CTR Treasure Box label and stickers
• Heavenly Treasure Hunt match game
• Lost and Found Treasure post-and-present
• My Heavenly Treasures Sack scripture search
• Teachings of Jesus are a great treasure! bookmark