CHILDREN ACTIVITY. HAPPY TIMES ARE SHARING TIMES share treats. Children learn they can be happy by sharing with others (treat wrappers for bar & gum included).
For CHURCH & HOME Primary, Sunday School, scripture study, and COME FOLLOW ME
Happy Times Are Sharing Times (Share Treats)
OBJECTIVE: The lesson helps encourage children to help others feel happy by sharing with them.
ACTIVITY: Share-treats – Wrap up a candy bar and/or stick of gum for the child to share in class or at home. The wrapper(s) invite them to share. Since there are two sticks of gum, children could share one stick in class with a friend and take the other home to share. Talk about the importance of sharing and how they can share.

1. Print or copy, color, and cut out the treat wrappers.
2. Tape the treat wrappers around candy bars and/or sticks of chewing gum.
3. As the packaging size of gum has changed, just place gum label over the entire pack of gum (as shown).
THOUGHT TREAT: Candy bar or chewing gum to share using the wrapper labels shown above, and one extra of each to wrap up and take home to repeat the activity.
. . . LESSON IDEAS (for the above activity) . . .
Present Lesson 27 – Primary 2 Manual – CTR-A: I Can Help Others Be Happy by Sharing. Review the activity/summary* in the manual for which the above activity illustrates:
Show the treats you have brought.
How would you feel if I kept these treats all to myself?
What would Jesus want me to do with the treats?
Divide the treats between two children, and ask them:
What would Jesus want you to do with your treats?
More Learning Activities:

Encourage children to ponder this great miracle. Tell of Jesus’ miracle, feeding the 5,000 with just five loaves of bread and two fishes (Matt. 15:32–38).
Your Primary singing leader can use this in singing time (Keyword choice a song).
Parents and teachers, have children take turns choosing and placing fish and bread in the basket. As they read the words they can say a way they can share (like the boy who shared his 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish), or ways they can follow Jesus. For example, MOTHER – “Help MOTHER with the dishes.” “SPRING” into action when father calls me.”
Or, children can think of Primary songs that have these words in that you can sing (following the activity – DETAILS).
VIDEO: Jesus Feeds 5,000 People – Jesus miraculously feeds a crowd of 5,000 people. (1:11) CLICK HERE TO VIEW VIDEO FROM YOUR I-PHONE.
Sermon on the Mount: Treasures in Heaven