I’m HAPPY When I Forgive forgiving faces situation doors (Ages 4-7)


YOUTH CAN TEACH that Jesus Christ is our example of forgiving others, teaching us that HAPPINESS comes as we forgive others. Children will learn from opening these doors (with frown-maker situations) that when we forgive; it brings a big smile! For example, “My sister lost my toy!” Brainstorm situations that might bring a frown and then open a door that reads, “I will forgive!” to find a SMILE.

$1.75 Little LESSON LIFESAVER Activity for Come Follow Me - Primary and Home (family home evening), Bible Study

For CHURCH & HOME Primary, Sunday School, scripture study, and COME FOLLOW ME


I’m Happy When I Forgive
Forgiving Faces (situation doors)

The lesson activity helps children understand that happiness comes when we forgive others, as Jesus Christ did. 

ACTIVITY: Forgiving Faces

Enjoy opening the situation doors to discover forgiving faces. Help children understand they can be happy when they forgive. Help them open doors to look and talk about the situations and the forgiving face responses.


$1.75 Little LESSON LIFESAVER Activity for Come Follow Me - Primary and Home (family home evening), Bible Study
HOVER OVER or ZOOM IN (to view)

1. Print or copy, color, and cut out the activity.
2. Glue situation doors over forgiving faces 1–4.

THOUGHT TREAT: Funny Face Cookies. Decorate round cookies with frosting faces or bake dried fruit faces into the cookie. Tell children that a face can tell us many things. It can tell how a person is feeling and forgiving.


• Present Lesson 40 – Primary 2 Manual – CTR-A: I Can Forgive Others

Review Testimony (from the lesson): 

Testify that we can be happy when we forgive others and treat them kindly. Tell about a time when you chose the right and forgave someone. Explain how you felt toward that person because you were willing to forgive.

If time allows, let the children talk about times when they have forgiven someone.

Encourage the children to make a special effort to forgive others this week. Suggest that the children discuss forgiveness with their families.

Forgiveness ACTIVITY: I’m Happy When I Forgive – Forgiving Faces situation doors – I Can Forgive Others – COME FOLLOW ME Primary and Home (family home evening)

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