AGES 4-7 ACTIVITY. HEAVENLY FATHER WILL WATCH OVER ME! Medallion. Wearing this comforting medallion will make children proud they are a child of God, our Heavenly Father who loves us and watches over us. They can place their picture on the back.
For CHURCH & HOME Primary, Sunday School, scripture study, and COME FOLLOW ME
Heavenly Father Will Watch Over Me medallion
OBJECTIVE: The lesson helps strengthen each child’s faith that Heavenly Father will help and bless us in time of need.
ACTIVITY: Heavenly Father Will Watch Over Me (medallion)
1. Children can wear medallion to strengthen their faith that Heavenly Father will watch over them, bless them, and help them in time of need.
1. Using cardstock paper, print or copy, color, and cut out the activity.
2. Punch a hole at the top with a paper punch.
3. Lace a 26” piece of yarn or ribbon through the hole and tie at the top.
4. Place around the child’s neck.
THOUGHT TREAT: Sunshine Sugar Cookies. Decorate round sugar cookies with a frosted sun, making a smiling face and sunrays. Tell children that Heavenly Father is your Sunny Day and Rainy Day Friend. He wants to hear about both your happy times and your sad times.
3. You could also print the “God Is Watching Over All” poem in the back of the lesson to glue on the back with the child’s picture.
4. STORY VISUAL: Click on the image to copy and paste into a Word document and print. Photo (shown right) is Hugh B. Brown. Show children photo when telling the story about him in the lesson (picture source: Wikipedia).
5. POEM & VISUAL: Copy and reproduce the God Is Watching Over All poem in the lesson small enough to glue on the back of medallion (as shown). Click on the sparrow to copy and paste into a Word document to print. Glue to the back of the above medallion (as shown).
For the Heavenly Father Will Watch Over Me medallion
The above activity illustrates the DISCUSSION and ENRICHMENT ACTIVITY #1 in the lesson below* to: Remind children that we are all children of God who is our Heavenly Father. He watched over Jesus and He will watch over us. As we obey God’s commandments we can ask for His guidance and His blessings.
How can we ask for Heavenly Father’s help? As we pray. If you are sick, lonely, or frightened, or need help with school or friends or family we can ask. If we are in danger we can ask for His help.
For the ENRICHMENT ACTIVITY #1 Place situations on word strips and place them in a container to draw from; taking turns telling what to do in certain situations (listed in the lesson below*). Examples: on a trip/traveling, someone sick, lost while hiking, broken leg, first day at Primary.
Have children memorize these scriptures.
#1 John 14:15 (DOWNLOAD HERE or below): “If ye love me, keep my commandments.”
#2 Psalm 86:7 (DOWNLOAD HERE or below): “In the day of my trouble I will call upon thee: for thou wilt answer me.”
Share with children this Post-and-Present Activity to show them that they are LOVED FROM UP ABOVE (to DOWNLOAD HERE or below). This activity helps children and youth know that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ show Their love for us by allowing us to come to earth, giving us talents, giving us a family, and Jesus being our Savior.