CHILDREN’S CHRISTMAS ACTIVITY. BIRTH OF JESUS Shepherd and Angel turn-around headband stories. To feel the joy of Jesus’ birth, children can wear the headband and roleplay the SHEPHERD and ANGEL roles. With the SHEEP side of the headband forward say, “I am a shepherd. I found the baby Jesus.” Then, with the STAR side of the headband forward, say, “I am an angel. I told the shepherds where to find the baby, Jesus.”

$1.50 Tell story of Birth of Jesus with turn-around shepherd and angel headband - Come Follow Me, Primary, Family Home Evening

For CHURCH & HOME Primary, Sunday School, scripture study, and COME FOLLOW ME



Finding Jesus: Shepherd and Angel story turn-around headband

OBJECTIVE: To help each child feel the joy that Jesus Christ’s birth brought to the earth. Review the scripture story and dramatizations for which the following activity illustrates (see details below) ⇓ CHURCH CURRICULUM – IDEAS TO PRESENT


ACTIVITY: Shepherd/Angel Headband
Children can wear the headband to play two roles:

1. Shepherds: With the sheep side of the headband facing forward, children can roleplay the shepherds that were looking for Jesus. Say: “I am a shepherd. I found the baby Jesus.”
2. Angels: Turn the headband with the stars facing forward and pretend to point the way to Jesus, saying: “I am an angel. I told the shepherds where to find the baby, Jesus.” Tell children the shepherds were led by a bright new star in the sky because they knew it would lead them to the baby Jesus. 



1. Print or copy, color, and cut out the headbands parts.
2. Glue or tape the headband together.

Thought Treats for lesson activitiesTHOUGHT TREAT (when appropriate): Happy Birthday Jesus – JOY Cake. Serve a real birthday cake and sing a happy birthday song, adding the name “Jesus” as you sing. Pretend to blow out the unlit candles if at the church, or light them if at home. 

JOY CAKE, Primary CTR-A lesson helps, JOY cake to celebrate the birth of Jesus, shepherd and angel play ideas,
SEND HOME “Joy” Cake with children and instructions (found below). Instructions tell how parents can light the candle and sing with child “Far, Far Away on Judea’s Plaines” and act out the scene using the crown (turning crown around to act out angel part and shepherd part).




JOY CAKE, Primary CTR-A lesson helps, JOY cake to celebrate the birth of Jesus, shepherd and angel play ideas,

JOY CAKE Frosting INSTRUCTIONS (right click on recipe card below to copy the image and paste into a Word document to print):


JOY CAKE: Choose the Right CTR-A Lesson 4 Birth of Jesus Cake recipe,

JESUS' BIRTH: Celebrate shepherds seeing angel telling of Jesus' birth, star, CTR-A Lesson 7,

 JESUS' BIRTH: Celebrate shepherds seeing angel telling of Jesus' birth, star, CTR-A Lesson 7,


*”Joy” Cake and Role-play Instructions: (Below you will find instructions you can right click to copy the paste into a word-processing document then print – to send home with parents. Attach this note to the “Joy” cake.






JOY CAKE, Primary CTR-A lesson helps, JOY cake to celebrate the birth of Jesus, shepherd and angel play ideas,



The Birth of Jesus Christ Brought Joy to the Earth, Primary Lesson Helps, Primary 2 CTR-A, Lesson 7

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