AGES 4-7. FOLLOW THE EXAMPLE OF JESUS Luke 2:52 scripture scroll. Children can want to grow to be like Jesus as they open this scripture scroll, talking about how Jesus read the scriptures from scrolls. We too can read the scriptures to learn to be like Jesus (Luke 2:52). ““Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man.”

Follow the Example of Jesus – Luke 2:52 scripture scroll
Follow the Example of Jesus – Luke 2:52 scripture scroll
Follow the Example of Jesus Scripture Scroll – Luke 2:52

For CHURCH & HOME Primary, Sunday School, scripture study, and COME FOLLOW ME


Follow the Example of Jesus – Luke 2:52 scripture scroll

The lesson helps strengthen the children’s desire to be like Jesus Christ by increasing their knowledge of Jesus’ childhood. Review the scripture story in Luke 2:41-52 (detailed below*).

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ACTIVITY: Scripture Scroll – Luke 2:52
Create a scroll to help children learn how they can be perfect like Jesus. They can roll out this scripture scroll to learn how He became perfect: “Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man” (Luke 2:52). Tell children, “We too can be like Jesus.”

Discussion: Jesus showed us the way to be baptized (Matt. 3:13-17); He showed love for others (Mark 10:13-16); He forgave those who hurt Him (Luke 23:34); and He taught us how to pray (Matt. 6:5-13). Talk about the scroll, telling children that in Jesus’ day, the leaders had scrolls, and many important messages were written on these scrolls.

1. Using lightweight paper, print or copy, color, and cut out the activity.
2. Glue a wooden craft stick to each side ahead of time, to allow the glue to dry.
3. Roll scroll around the stick, rolling both ends to the middle with the scripture message inside.

Thought Treats for lesson activitiesTHOUGHT TREAT (when appropriate): 4-Ways to Be Like Jesus Graham Crackers. Serve each child one graham cracker with four sections and talk about the four ways Jesus grew.




*SCRIPTURE STORY (for which the above activity represents):

Scripture story

Show picture 2-13, Boy Jesus in the Temple, and tell the story found in Luke 2:41–50.

Help the children understand how worried and frightened Mary and Joseph were at the end of the first day’s travel when they could not find Jesus anywhere. They hurriedly returned to Jerusalem and looked for three days before they finally found him.

  • Where did Mary and Joseph find Jesus?
  • What was Jesus doing in the temple? (See Luke 2:46.)

Explain that Jesus was talking with men who had studied the scriptures a great deal. These men were surprised that Jesus knew so much. Read aloud Luke 2:47. Explain that astonished means surprised.



Help the children repeat Luke 2:52 with you a few times. Discuss specific choices they can make to enable them to grow in favor with Heavenly Father.


Testify that choosing the right and becoming like Jesus Christ will make us happy. Tell the children how thankful you are to have Jesus’ life as an example of how we should live. Suggest to the children that Jesus’ childhood was probably in some ways much like their own. Encourage them to always choose the right, as Jesus did.

FOLLOW EXAMPLE OF JESUS Activity: Luke 2:52 scripture scroll – COME, FOLLOW ME Primary and Family Home Evening

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