$1.50 Little LESSON LIFESAVER Activity for Come Follow Me - Primary and Home lessons, family home evening

For CHURCH & HOME Primary, Sunday School, scripture study, and COME FOLLOW ME


Annabelle Accountable, the “Udderly” Responsible Cow flip-the-spot choices

The lesson helps children understand that at the age of eight they begin to become accountable for their actions. 

ACTIVITY: Annabelle Accountable the Responsible Cow
Remind children that age 8 is a great year because they can now be baptized. They can make right choices before and after baptism. Flip open the spot-flaps on Annabelle Accountable the “udderly” responsible cow to see ways to choose the right.

Annabell's Accountable Cow Farm
HOVER OVER or ZOOM IN (to view)

– I can feed my pets.
– I can do finish my homework.
– I can go to church.
– I can clean my room
– I can pay my tithing.

– I can obey my parents.
– I can brush my teeth.
– I can CTR (Choose The RIGHT)

TO MAKE: Print or copy, color, and cut out the activity on cardstock paper. Fold the matching cow spot/flaps. Glue flaps on cow’s matching spots.

Thought Treats for lesson activitiesTHOUGHT TREAT: 8 Accountable Slices.
Slice a piece of bread or fruit into 8 pieces and have children name 8 ways they can be accountable as they mooo-ve toward baptism like Annabelle Accountable the responsible cow.

LESSON IDEAS: Ages 4-7 Lesson 27 “The Age of Accountability” (HERE).

Review the following in the lesson using the above Accountable Cow TEACHING TOOL.
Activity (telling them they are responsible for taking care of a book they borrowed);
Chalkboard discussion (reminding children that being accountable means they are responsible for what they do), and
Enrichment Activity #1 (by having children finish the situations to THINK AHEAD responsible choices).

BAPTISM Activity: Annabelle the Accountable Cow – 8 the Age of Accountability, Primary Lesson Helps, Primary 3 CTR-B, Lesson 27 – Come Follow Me

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