CHILDREN’S LESSON ACTIVITY. MY PARENTS HELP ME LEARN TO OBEY THE COMMANDMENTS slideshow. Children can show-and-tell how they can listen to and do the good things parents ask them to do with this smiling house. By pulling the images through they can spotlight specific ways to follow the teachings of Jesus. WAYS: To Pray, Be Kind, Love Each Other, Choose the Right, Help, Tell the Truth.
For CHURCH & HOME Primary, Sunday School, scripture study, and COME FOLLOW ME
My Parents Help Me Learn to Obey commandments slideshow
OBJECTIVE: My parents help me learn to obey the commandments. This house slideshow names ways parents help children: To Pray, To Be Kind, To Love Each Other, CTR To Choose the Right, To Help Others, To Tell the Truth.

ACTIVITY: Action Slide-show
Show children ways their parents help them learn to obey the commandments with pull-through pictures.
TO MAKE Print or copy, color, and cut out the visuals that follow for each child on cardstock paper. Ahead of time cut out slits on both sides of the door with a razor blade. Insert or slide through pictures, folding edges of picture to prevent pulling all the way through.
THOUGHT TREAT: Graham Cracker House. For each child, frost four small graham crackers on sides (sticking sides together) and talk about learning at home.