LESSON ACTIVITY. JESUS IS MY HERO be like Him doorknob sign. Youth can strive to be like Jesus as they: THINK what Jesus would think, SAY what Jesus would say, and DO what Jesus would do. Share scripture stories about Jesus and His parables. Also, youth can share ways they follow Him.
This is a great teaching tool for youth to teach children at home/church or in the future as missionaries (about Jesus).
ACTIVITY: Doorknob Sign
Youth can hang this sign on their door to remind them each day to “think what Jesus would think, say what Jesus would say, and do what Jesus would do.” Tell youth that we love Jesus because He is our hero. He saved us from death and made it possible for us to repent of our sins and be forgiven. Because of His love for us, we can show love to Him by being pure and righteous like Jesus. We can follow His example. We can ask before each choice: WWJD (“What Would Jesus Do?”).
TO MAKE: Print or copy, color, and cut out the activity on cardstock paper.
THOUGHT TREAT: “CTR” Sandwich. Stack three small graham crackers on top of each other with frosting between two layers. Write “CTR” on top with a frosting tube. Tell the youth that Jesus taught us to Choose The Right (point to CTR on the crackers). He is our hero. Let’s choose the right so we can be like Him.
YOUTH CAN TEACH using this LESSON 38 I Can Be Pure and Righteous from the Primary 3 CTR-B manual.
Review the teacher testimony (p. 189) in the manual for which the above activity illustrates.