LESSON ACTIVITY. I WILL REMEMBER JESUS: Last Supper shadow box. Children can remember (with this shadow box) the first sacrament Jesus gave to His 12 Apostles to eat the bread and drink the water to remember Him. He was about to complete His mission, to suffer and die for all of us.
For CHURCH & HOME Primary, Sunday School, scripture study, and COME FOLLOW ME
I will Remember Jesus.
The Last Supper shadow box
OBJECTIVE: The lesson helps children always remember Jesus Christ and their baptismal covenants as they take the sacrament.

ACTIVITY: Last Supper Shadow Box
This shadow box will help children review what happened at the Last Supper when Jesus first gave His apostles the sacrament. Remind children that participating in the sacrament each week allows them to renew their baptismal covenants and remember Jesus.
TO MAKE Print or copy, color, and cut out the activity on cardstock paper. Fold figure tabs and glue them in place on the box.
THOUGHT TREAT: Unleavened Bread. Let children taste pita bread (unrisen bread) as Jesus served during the first sacrament. Tell them that before the real sacrament bread and water are passed during sacrament meeting, special prayers or blessings are said and that they should listen carefully to what is said to remember Jesus.