CHILDREN’S LESSON ACTIVITY. I AM HAPPY WHEN I SERVE! service with a smile rotating badge. Children can turn the smile upside-down when not serving and sunny-side up when they are. It’s a reminder that when we help we are happy and others are happy too. In the song, “Have I Done Any Good” we sing, “Have I cheer up the sad and made someone feel glad.” Talk about why service brings a smile.
USE FOR: COME FOLLOW ME, Primary and Home (family home evening), Activity Days, Sunday School, Bible Study
I’m Happy When I Serve (Service with a Smile badge)
OBJECTIVE: The lesson helps children understand that they can show love for Jesus Christ by serving others.
ACTIVITY: Service with a Smile Badge
Children can turn the smile wheel on the badge upside-down when they are not serving or helping others, or right-side up when they serve others. This shows that serving others makes them happy, us happy, and Jesus happy too. Help children say together, “I’m happy when I serve.” Sing the song “When We’re Helping, “ p. 198 Children’s Songbook.

TO MAKE: Print or copy, color, and cut out the activity on cardstock paper. Poke a hole in badge where indicated and on the nose, and insert a metal or button brad. To make a button brad, sew two buttons together on opposite sides (threading thread through the same hole) to attach parts.
THOUGHT TREAT: Service with a Smile Sandwich. Make a sandwich with a cheese smile to remind them to smile when they serve.
• GO HERE to FIND and Present Lesson 37 – Primary 3 Manual – CTR-B: I’ll Serve Jesus Christ by Serving Others.
• Review the enrichment activity 3 for which the above activity was illustrated.