CHILDREN’S LESSON ACTIVITY. THANKFUL FOR PRIESTHOOD BLESSINGS hand-some bracelet. Children can learn that the priesthood of God is given to worthy men in the Church of Jesus Christ. This Priesthood Power can bless babies, heal the sick, baptize, give the Holy Ghost, and perform temple ordinances. With these bracelets, small children can place them over their hands to remind them to say, “I am thankful for priesthood hands!”
Use for: COME FOLLOW ME Nursery, Primary and Home lessons, family home evening, Sharing Time
I am thankful for priesthood blessings! hand-some bracelet
Nursery Lesson 28:
Heavenly Father Blesses Me through the Priesthood (see below*)
OBJECTIVE: Create a two-handset of “hand”-some bracelets to remind children that they are “thankful for priesthood blessings.” Blessings come as priesthood holders lay their hands upon their heads and give them a blessing to heal and bless them with special needs.

THE PRIESTHOOD is the power and authority of God given to worthy men in their 12th year and older to act in God’s name.
The Aaronic priesthood can baptize and bless and pass the sacrament.
The Melchizedek priesthood can give other blessings and ordinances.
Talk about having a priesthood blessing where a priesthood holder lays their hands on your head to give you a blessing.
Priesthood hands are used to give blessings and ordinances. Here are just a few: baby’s name and a blessing, baptism, confirmation—to give the gift of the Holy Ghost. The priesthood is also used to bless and pass the sacrament, to bless the sick, give a blessing, seal families together forever in the temple and more.
TO MAKE Print or copy the hands. Place on child’s wrists. For a small child, attach the hands around their wrists with “sticky-back” Velcro. For a larger child’s hand, extend the wristband by attaching a ribbon on each side to tie around wrists. Children don’t have to wear them, they can simply close the wristband so they can stand-up to place on their dresser, or tie a ribbon around the bands to hang in their room.
THOUGHT TREAT: Sugar cookie cut into a heart or hand shape.
LESSON IDEAS (for the above activity):
*Present Nursery Lesson 28 – Heavenly Father Blesses Me through the Priesthood in the Behold Your Little Ones manual.
Click HERE to find 28b POSTER activity for this same lesson – Nursery Lesson 28: Heavenly Father Blesses Me through the Priesthood (shown right).
Click HERE to find 29a CRAFT activity for the next Nursery 29: Jesus Christ
Was Resurrected.
Click HERE to find 29b POSTER activity for the Nursery 29: Jesus Christ Was Resurrected.
Click HERE to find 27a CRAFT activity for the previous Nursery lesson 27: The Sacrament Helps Me Think about Jesus Christ.
Click HERE for Nursery lessons 1-30.