CHILDREN ACTIVITY. JESUS LOVES ME sacrament mini-portrait. With this children can think about how Jesus loves us, giving us the sacrament of bread and water that He gave His Apostles and the Nephites (to remember Him).
USE FOR: COME FOLLOW ME, Primary and Home (family home evening), Activity Days, Sunday School, Bible Study
Jesus Loves Me sacrament mini-portrait
Nursery Lesson 27:
The Sacrament Helps Me Think about Jesus Christ
OBJECTIVE: Tell children that Jesus gave the sacrament to His Apostles before He died on the cross (Luke 22:19-20). He also brought the sacrament to the Nephites (3 Nephi 18:1-11). Today we partake of the sacrament of water and bread after a prayer is said so we can think of and remember Jesus and keep His commandments.

CRAFT ACTIVITY – Jesus Loves Me – Sacrament Portrait
1. Print or copy the activity.
2. Tell children they can take this Jesus portrait with them to sacrament meeting to remind them to think about Jesus when they partake of the sacrament. This will help them remember Jesus and follow Him. When coloring, use light/bright pastel markers so the image shows through.
THOUGHT TREAT: Sacrament Smile cookie. Frost round sugar cookies with smiles. Tell children that the sacrament helps us feel happy as we think about Jesus and choosing the right.
SINGING for The Sacrament Helps Me Think about Jesus Christ Nursery Lesson 27: Sing “Jesus Loved the Little Children,” “Jesus Said Love Everyone,” and “Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam” (Children’s Songbook, 40, 61, 60).
LESSON IDEAS (for the above activity):
• Nursery Lesson 27 – The Sacrament Helps Me Think about Jesus Christ in the Behold Your Little Ones manual.
• As noted above:
With this children can think about how Jesus loves us, giving us the sacrament of bread and water that He gave His Apostles in both Jerusalem (Bible times) and in ancient America (Book of Mormon times).
• See Scripture Specs (to DOWNLOAD HERE or below) to illustrate the two times Jesus came to us and gave us the sacrament and more (Bible and Book of Mormon).
Click HERE to find 27b POSTER activity for this same lesson – Nursery Lesson 27: The Sacrament Helps Me Think about Jesus Christ (shown right).
Click HERE to find 28a CRAFT activity for the next Nursery 28: Heavenly Father Blesses Me through the Priesthood.
Click HERE to find 28b POSTER activity for the Nursery 28: Heavenly Father Blesses Me through the Priesthood.
Click HERE to find 26a CRAFT activity for the previous Nursery lesson 26: I Will Be Baptized and Confirmed.
Click HERE for Nursery lessons 1-30.