YOUTH GOAL PLANNER. DRAW NEAR TO MY HEAVENLY FATHER goal poster. Youth will know what they will do to become close to God as they study these scriptures and spotlight their goals on the poster. You might have a scripture chase to learn ways God loves us and wants us to be close in prayer. For example, “Draw near unto me” and “Service of your God.” Or view the activities that follow, e.g., Patriarchal Blessing Discussion.
Use for COME FOLLOW ME Young Women, Young Men, Seminary, Family Home Evening, Primary and Home lessons, or Activity Days
Drawing Nearer to My Heavenly Father
goal poster
OBJECTIVE: Goal poster helps youth write ways they can draw closer to Heavenly Father and improve their relationship with Him. They can study noted scriptures and spotlight these things on the poster, e.g., keeping Heavenly Father’s commandments and serving others.
TO MAKE: Print activity in color or black and white, color and cut out.
• D&C 88:63
“Draw near unto me and I will draw near unto you; seek me diligently and ye shall find me; ask, and ye shall receive; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.”
• Mosiah 2:17 DOWNLOAD this scripture poster/card HERE (or below) ⇓
“When ye are in the service of your fellow beings ye are only in the service of your God.”

• John 14:15 DOWNLOAD this scripture poster/card HERE (or below) ⇓
“If ye love me, keep my commandments.”
• Matthew 25:40
“And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.”
THOUGHT TREAT: One Eternal Round Mints. Share Starlight or Star Brite mints, where the pink pinwheel design goes round and round, never-ending. Give the following note with mints.
“Heavenly Father has always been there for us and He will always be there for us. His plan proves that He has always “mint” for us to be happy. All we need to do to be happy is to pray and listen as we pray, keep His command-“mints,” show our gratitude, study His word in the scriptures, and listen to His prophets.”
1. Talk about patriarchal blessings and about earthly fathers—what they want for their children and what they do for their children. Discuss what Heavenly Father does and wants for His children, and things He gives us to help us.
2. Have young women write a letter of appreciation to their Heavenly Father and put it in a sealed envelope. Tell them to nourish these feelings so they will grow. Have them put the letter in their journal for one year.
3. After the year is up, have them then write another letter to Heavenly Father, expressing appreciation and love, then compare by re-reading the letter from the previous year.
4. Then have them repeat steps 2–3 and compare the feelings from one year to the next, watching their love increase.
Give each youth a helium balloon and ask them to take it home. When they are alone, they can write a note to Heavenly Father on the balloon with a marker, sharing thoughts of gratitude for His plan of salvation, listing personal goals. Then they can sign it and let it soaring toward heaven, or let the air go out slowly—shrinking down, and then keep balloon as a reminder of their love for Him and that their love should never shrink.