YOUTH GOAL ACTIVITY. “COUNSEL WITH THE LORD IN ALL THY DOINGS” tent card. Youth can list on one side HOW TO PRAY and WHAT TO PRAY FOR. Then on the back, there’s a reminder “Don’t forget to pray!” For the next 30 days, record each time you say your morning and nightly prayers by filling in a box.
Youth GOAL
Prayer Counsel
I will “Counsel with the Lord” in all my doings. Alma 37:37
Goal Ideas
With this “Counsel with the Lord in all thy doings,” tent card, youth can draw close to Heavenly Father through prayer, recording HOW to pray and WHAT to pray for, and develop the habit of praying by checking a box for morning and night prayers.
In Elder Bednar’s talk “Pray Always” (HERE) he outlines Principles to Make Prayers More Meaningful (see Pray Always video below)
. . . “Principle #1. Prayer becomes more meaningful as we counsel with the Lord in all our doings (see Alma 37:37).
. . . Principle #2. Prayer becomes more meaningful as we express heartfelt gratitude.
. . . Principle #3. Prayer becomes more meaningful as we pray for others with real intent and a sincere heart.”
Pray Always
“Counsel with the Lord” How to Pray and What to Pray For tent-card
GREAT FOR Youth goals, COME FOLLOW ME, Sunday School, Scripture Study, Family Night
OBJECTIVE: Youth can draw close to Heavenly Father through prayer to “counsel with the Lord in all thy doings” (Alma 37:37).
ACTIVITY: Write on the tent-card “How to Pray” and “What to Pray For.” Then on the flip side check where morning and night prayers were said.

TO MAKE Print activity in color or black and white; color and cut out. On the top of the tent-card, cut around the girl’s head not cutting along the top edge. Fold the top edge of the tent-card so the card stands up.
SCRIPTURE: “Counsel with the Lord in all thy doings, and he will direct thee for good; yea, when thou liest down at night lie down unto the Lord, that he may watch over you in your sleep; and when thou risest in the morning let thy heart be full of thanks unto God; and if ye do these things, ye shall be lifted up at the last day” (Alma 37:36–37; emphasis added).
THOUGHT TREAT: Straight and Narrow Pretzels / Breadsticks. Make or purchase these for youth. As they eat they can read: Matthew 22:29, Alma 7:9, 37:44, 1 Nephi 8; 12:17; 15:12-25, AND D&C 88:63. Tell the youth that these pretzels or breadsticks remind us of the strait and narrow path that leads us back to our Heavenly Father. We can stay on the path if we hold onto the iron rod, the word of God found in the scriptures, and through prayer. As we search, ponder, and pray about the scriptures each day, we can keep the heavenly communication lines open and be guided each day. Happiness comes each day as we stay on the path.
For Church or Family
Ask youth find and share meaningful scriptures from the Book of Mormon, and tell how they can improve prayers in their daily life from the example of Alma’s prayer for his son Alma the Younger (Mosiah 27:14), and Alma the Younger’s prayers for the Zoramites with their vain and prideful prayers (Alma 31:12-38).

Angel pillowcases and prayer rock crafts can remind youth to say their prayers and read their scriptures each morning and night. They can place the prayer rock under their pillow with the scriptures nearby.
. Angel Pillowcase: Create an angel pillowcase. Transfer an angel image onto pillowcase with iron-on transfer paper. Write with fabric marking pens the verse: “Angels receive as they pray and believe. (Matt. 21:22).” Go to to search how to “make your own iron-on transfers.”
. Prayer Rock Bag: In a plastic or paper bag place a rock with this verse: To help you remember to say your prayers, place this rock under your pillow. If you get quickly in your bed and feel this rock hit your head, kneel down and pray and thank Heavenly Father for your day. Ask Him for help in all you do and know of His great love for you.
DOWNLOAD this Prayer Rock and Reminder Note (HERE, shown right)