YOUTH GOAL ACTIVITY. JEWELS IN MY CROWN Service List. Youth can give up their time, talents, and means to build up the kingdom of God, thus earning their crowning glory and blessings. List ways.
Youth GOAL
Jewels in My Crown
Earn God’s blessings by giving of my time, talents, and means.
Goal Ideas
With this Jewels in My Crown LESSON LIFESAVER activity (below), youth can give of their time, talents, and means to build up the kingdom of God, thus earning their crowning glory blessings.
“Those who are faithful and are committed to service are promised that they will be ‘crowned with honor, and glory, and immortality, and eternal life’ (D&C 75:5).” – To Receive a Crown of Glory, By President James E. Faust, Second Counselor in the First Presidency
“Let us diligently strive to understand the wonderful things of God. The jewels of the gospel of Jesus Christ are within our reach. But we must seek—ask and strive for—and live the principles of truth. When we do so, we will become better men and better women and contribute to a better community, a better nation, and a better world.” Talk “By Their Fruits Ye Shall Know Them” – Elder Royden G. Derrick, Seventy
Jewels in My Crown service list

GREAT FOR Youth goals, Sunday School, Scripture Study, Family Night, and Come Follow Me
Youth can use a service list to note ways they can give of their time, talents, and possessions to build up the kingdom of God. Ideas are found in the border: Tithing, cleaning, sewing, teaching, missionary fund, visit sick, fellowship, fast offering, babysitting, music.
Explain to the youth that service can be their crowning glory. By giving of their time, talents, and possessions, they will be rewarded with blessings here and eternally. Read Matthew 6:33: “Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.”
Teach youth about the times when we make covenants with Heavenly Father. Read Doctrine and Covenants 25:15 (see below*), and explain that the “crown of righteousness” represents the blessing of returning to live with God, our Heavenly King.
*SCRIPTURE READS: “Keep my commandments continually, and a crown of righteousness thou shalt receive. And except thou do this, where I am you cannot come.”
TO MAKE print activity in color or black and white.
THOUGHT TREAT: Crowning Glory Cookies. Make crown-shaped frosted sugar cookies and place gumdrops and jelly beans on the crown to decorate. Option: Give youth five gumdrops and five jelly beans each to place on their crown cookie representing the talents and possessions they placed on the “Jewels in my Crown” Service List (above).
For Church or Family
JEWELS IN MY CROWN. Share with your friends or family cookies shaped like crowns and tell them that because God is our Heavenly Father, and we are His daughters/sons, we are of royal descent. We are princesses/princes in His kingdom and have the potential to become goddesses/gods in the celestial kingdom.
Challenge them. As we keep God’s commandments and serve we are becoming more God-like.
1. Cut out sugar cookie dough into crown shapes.
2. Bake 2-inches apart.
3. Frost and place jelly beans on top to represent crown jewels.
With permission of the parent, take the less-active class member out for pizza, bowling, or something she/he likes to do.
This is a great way for youth to include less-active friends or those not of our faith. Have a barbeque or indoor picnic, play volleyball, baseball, frisbee football, basketball, or other interactive games.
Share in skits, sing-alongs or lip-syncs, poetry reading, piano or singing recitals, arts and crafts exhibits, and more.
Divide youth into two teams. Have each team invent five to ten fun ways to be of service. Have a panel of three judges score each idea. Then, plan these best ideas into future activities.