POST-AND-PRESENT ACTIVITY. I’M A LIVING DOLL Design-a-Doll goal mobile. Youth to see herself/himself as a “living doll” and increase her desire to take care of her mind and body. Redraw the image for young men or request this from us (see CONTACT US page). Write goals on the chart.
OBJECTIVE: Help each youth to see herself/himself as a “living doll” and increase her desire to take care of her mind and body. For young men, redraw the image. Write goals on the chart.
TO MAKE print activity in color or black and white. Cut out head and body (cutting hair down to shape a young man’s head). Have youth draw in their face. Glue yarn on for hair and fabric for clothes. On the back write goals, looking up scriptures for inspiration. Glue a string down the center and glue the images back to back. Make sure the top has three to four inches to hang the image in their room.
THOUGHT TREAT: Living Gingerbread Doll Cookie. Make gingerbread dough and cut into shapes of girls or guys. Decorate with frosting to look like individual youth to personalize each cookie.
HEALTHY FOODS TASTE TEST: Have each youth bring their favorite health-food or healthy food item, e.g., fruit, veggies, or other. Have foods brought and placed on a tray or plates and under a table cloth so not to view. Then have a taste test. Have the youth cut up and share their item with others closing their eyes. Then randomly choose youth to GUESS THE GOODIES.
1. Take youth to a fitness track or other place to run or walk. Explain that this is not a race; they can run or walk. Take their pulse and have them run or walk around the track. Take their pulse again. Talk about exercise and how it strengthens the heart.
2. Ask them to write about a conflict with their parents or a family member (what the youth did, what the other person did). Put the paper in a sealed envelope with their name on it.
3. As they go around the track again, have them think how they could have handled things differently.
4. Have youth write their change of heart on the envelope. Talk about a healthy heart (physically), a change of heart (spiritually), and striving to be more self–reliant through better control of our responses to conflict. An understanding heart is a helping heart. Finish with a light–hearted activity (e.g., go out for smoothies and play games).
FITNESS PRO QUESTION AND ANSWER NIGHT: Have a fitness professional come and show youth basic things they can do to stay active, and have the professional discuss how to gain physical strength through exercise, and weight lifting. Play volleyball or basketball, do exercises, or dance. Serve a blender drink (with protein powder), or have fruit and yogurt available, allowing youth to place yogurt in a bowl, then add and blend their own choice of fruit.
GOD’S GREATEST CREATION VIDEO: You’ll love showing this video to help youth appreciate and want to take care of their body.
• FEBRUARY Lesson 7 “Why should I treat my body like a temple?”
• NOVEMBER Lesson 5 “Why does the Lord want me to be healthy?”