YOUTH LESSON ACTIVITY. SUNSHINE REPENTANCE doorknob reminder (Mosiah 27:29). Youth can learn from Alma the Younger’s experience that they can move from darkness into light and feel the warmth and peace that true repentance brings. Then write the eight steps to repentance on the back: recognize, promise, recommit, restitution, feel repentance, prove, forgive, and commit.
USE FOR: COME FOLLOW ME, Primary and Home lessons, Family Home Evening, Young Women, Activity Days, Sunday School, Bible Study
Sunshine Repentance doorknob-reminder
ACTIVITY: With this doorknob-reminder youth can write steps to repentance and learn they can move from darkness into the light through repentance (Mosiah 27:29 shown on the activity).
1. Read these scriptures: Alma 36:12–13, 15–16.

2. Write in the 8 steps to repentance on the hanger:
• Step 1 Recognize wrongdoing.
• Step 2 Promise never to repeat the sin.
• Step 3 Recommit to live the gospel.
• Step 4 Make restitution for wrongs: repent in prayer, confess to the bishop, apologize to those offended.
• Step 5 Feel a depth of repentance as deep as the sin.
• Step 6 Prove ourselves worthy over time.
• Step 7 Forgive ourselves and those who have offended us.
• Step 8 Commit not to look back but accept the Lord’s forgiveness.
TO MAKE Print activity in color or black and white; then color. Fold and glue it back to back cutting a slit to hang on the door.
THOUGHT TREAT: Fruit Flavored Candies (or Fruit). Tell the youth that the warmth of the sun helps fruits and vegetables to grow to their full potential. We too can feel the warmth that comes from repentance, which will help us reach our full potential.
Set up a game in the ward building or a park with a path. Have adult leaders or priesthood helpers, like the bishopric or dads, stand along the path. Create situation cards to be held by the helpers along the path. Have each youth carry a sturdy sack or backpack (they can have 5 or more packs and take turns going
down the path). Have them go along the path slowly, picking cards held by the path helpers. For example, the first helper might give a sin card like “Lied to parents about where you were going.” The second card might be a repentance card like “Felt feelings of remorse,” or “Bore my testimony to a friend.” Have helpers put the sin stones (stones with the word “sin” written on them) in their pack as they pass the post. At the few repentance posts, they can take out a stone. The last eight stops are the eight steps of repentance cards, followed by a card with a quote by Spencer W. Kimball (below). Take out stones as they pass. Roast marshmallows or have toast and cocoa, and discuss how it feels to get rid of mistakes and recommit, staying on the path that leads to eternal joy.
President Spencer W. Kimball stated: “Since all of us sin in greater or lesser degree, we are all in need of constant repentance, of continually raising our sights and our performance. One can hardly do the commandments of the Lord in a day, a week, a month or a year. This is an effort which must be extended through the remainder of one’s years” (The Miracle of Forgiveness [Salt Lake City: Bookcraft, 1969], p. 202).
Have youth share ideas on how they can repent and find happiness.
• Young Women Lesson __ “The Atonement of Jesus Christ”
• COME FOLLOW ME New Testament Lesson 15 “EASTER: “O Grave, Where Is Thy Victory?” (Matthew 21-28 Jesus Christ has the power to help me overcome sin, death, trials, and weaknesses. Jesus suffered for me in Gethsemane and on the cross.) ⇒