POST-AND-PRESENT. RESTORED TRUTHS: Lost-and-Found Gospel Treasures. Help youth learn about the gospel treasures brought to the earth by Jesus. They will learn how the gospel treasures were lost when Jesus died and how they were found again when Joseph Smith restored the true gospel of Jesus Christ to the earth. Match the jewels to see the lost-and-found treasures.
USE FOR: COME FOLLOW ME, Primary and Home lessons, Family Home Evening, Young Women, Children & Youth, Sunday School, Seminary
Restored Truths: Lost-and-Found Gospel Treasures
ACTIVITY: (see above)
Choose from two options:
Option 1:
1. Talk about Jesus Christ organizing His church on the earth and bringing to the earth gospel treasures (the first set of jewels): PROPHETS, BAPTISM, HOLY GHOST, COMMANDMENTS, MISSIONARIES, SCRIPTURES, PRIESTHOOD, TEMPLES, and SACRAMENT.
Ask the youth to place jeweled treasure in the box and tell why Jesus wanted each to organize His Church.
2. Talk about the Apostasy and how these gospel treasures were taken from the earth (the second set of jewels). Have youth help you take the jewels out of the treasure chest as you talk about each.
3. Talk about the Restoration (see Ideas below) and have children help you place the second set of jewels into the chest, bringing back the gospel treasures (different modern-day images, but the same gospel treasures that were here when Jesus was upon the earth).

Option 2: This is more appealing to youth or older children (copy and cut out the clue cards if using this option). Follow steps #1-3 above but have the youth guess each gospel treasure using the clues on the clue cards. Have them draw a clue card and hand it to the leader to read. You can have them play in teams to compete and take turns guessing which gospel treasures the clues are about. Whoever guesses the gospel treasure correctly can find the jewel and place it in the treasure chest.
MORE INSTRUCTIONS TO COME (with the DOWNLOAD). After the patterns, you will receive Presenting the Treasure Chest instructions which will include: #1 – Jesus Christ Organized His Church, #2 – The Apostasy, #3 – The Restoration, and #4 – CLUE CARDS.
TO MAKE. Print activity in color or black and white. Cut out the treasure box and both sets of treasures and instructions and clues. Laminate. Mount treasure chest on a poster. Using an Exacto knife, cut along the dotted lines on the inside of the chest and treasure mounds to later insert jewels.
Apostasy and Restoration Ideas: Ask, “How was Jesus Christ’s true church restored?”
1. Priesthood authority and many true doctrines were lost at the time of the Great Apostasy. The First Vision prepared Joseph Smith for the Restoration of the gospel (see Joseph Smith—History 1:7-20; Gospel Principles, chapters 16 & 17).
2. Joseph Smith translated the Book of Mormon. Its teachings restored many true doctrines (see Joseph Smith—History 1:29-54, 59-60; Articles of Faith 1:8; Primary 5, lessons 6 & 7).
3. Priesthood authority was restored by heavenly messengers (Joseph Smith—History 1:68-73; Articles of Faith 1:5; Primary 5, lesson 8).
4. We are blessed with living prophets in Jesus Christ’s restored Church (see D&C 21:1-5; 1:38; Primary 3, lesson 8; Primary 5, lesson 15).
SHOW VIDEO: Sermon on the Mount: The Higher Law – Jesus teaches His followers essential Christian traits, such as kindness, forgiveness, and love. (2:19) CLICK HERE TO VIEW VIDEO FROM YOUR I-PHONE.
SHOW VIDEO: The Restoration – Joseph Smith’s search for truth led to the First Vision and the Restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ. (19:12) CLICK HERE TO VIEW VIDEO ON YOUR I-PHONE.
SOURCE ST2010.04
Also, Use Activity for CTR-A Lesson 20
DOWNLOAD MORE “TREASURE” ACTIVITIES (click titles or posters below):
• CTR Treasure Box label and stickers
• Heavenly Treasure Hunt match game
• Lost and Found Treasure post-and-present
• My Heavenly Treasures Sack scripture search
• Teachings of Jesus are a great treasure! bookmark
I am having a hard time understanding exactly what is in the Grab Bag that we purchase? It talks about using clue cards but I don’t see any clue cards. Can I find an example somewhere? Also do you think this is too juvenile for Laurels ?
Becky: You are right it was confusing as to where the clue cards are. MORE INSTRUCTIONS TO COME: With the DOWNLOAD you will receive Presenting the Treasure Chest instructions which will include: #1 – Jesus Christ Organized His Church, and #2 – The Apostasy, #3 – The Restoration, and #4 – CLUE CARDS.
YES, we believe all of the POST-AND-PRESENT activities are great for Young Women and especially Laurels as they are probably preparing to serve a mission and eventually teach these in family home evening for their future families. Jennette Guymon-King, Illustrator and I love reviewing all of these activities as they each teach important gospel principles and topics. Wouldn’t it be nice if we knew it all and could learn it all in Primary, but we don’t. These POST-AND-PRESENT type activities are great for children young and old. Grandparents can enjoy them with grandchildren and teens also. If the teens learn them, they could easily present them in Young Women to the younger groups, Primary, or younger siblings. The Laurels could have it presented to them telling them that once they know this they can share it.
There are many other Apostasy/Restoration activities here to DOWNLOAD. See the Apostasy Mirror Message Teaching Tool found in “R” INDEX – RESTORATION. The concepts are detailed below.
We hope this helps.
Apostasy Mirror Message: This mirror represents the Church of Jesus Christ. The mirror represents the Church itself, with Christ at the top as the nail, and each of the Apostles as a piece of tape. When Christ died, the Apostles held up the mirror and took care of the affairs of the Church. When the Apostles were killed, the mirror fell and broke, thus resulting in the Apostasy. But people still saw good in the mirror and took pieces and built around them, resulting in the many churches of today. This exemplifies the reason we needed a Restoration and not just a reformation . . . because a mirror that has been broken cannot be repaired – it must be replaced.