POST-AND-PRESENT. TWO TESTAMENTS OF JESUS CHRIST puzzle. Youth can learn and testify to two testaments of Jesus Christ. #1 The BIBLE. Jesus organizes His Church, teaches His gospel, heals the sick, dies for us, and is resurrected. #2 The BOOK OF MORMON. After the resurrection, Jesus visits ancient America, organizes His Church, teaches, and heals the sick. This book contains the fulness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ which was given to Joseph Smith the latter-day Prophet (on gold plates).
Use for COME FOLLOW ME Primary and Home, Young Women, Young Men, Family Home Evening, Primary Sharing Time, or Activity Days
Youth can present this activity by mounting visuals on a poster to present to a youth group, family home evening, or a Primary activity.
Two Testaments of Jesus Christ puzzle
Objective: Tell youth that The Book of Mormon is another testament of Jesus Christ along with the Bible.
ACTIVITY: To present, show the Two Testaments of Jesus Christ puzzle to help youth learn why we need the Book of Mormon. They will be able to see that both the Bible and the Book of Mormon testify of Jesus Christ.

“We believe the Bible to be the word of God as far as it is translated correctly; we also believe the Book of Mormon to be the word of God” (The Articles of Faith 1:8).
Study 2 Nephi 29:8 (testaments of two nations), John 20:31 (testament of Jesus), and Acts 10:43 (witness from prophets about Jesus Christ).
Both the Bible and The Book of Mormon tell about Jesus’s followers and about His coming to their continent. Put these two puzzles together, explaining the differences between the two books and telling how each testifies of Jesus Christ. Say that it is important to study both books to gain a testimony that Jesus lives, loves us, and wants us to return to live with Him and Heavenly Father.
1. For younger youth, post and tell about each puzzle piece (as detailed below). For older youth, test their knowledge of the scriptures by having them put the puzzles together themselves.
2. Have youth take turns drawing puzzle pieces from a container. (Alternately, post the pieces around the room or randomly on the left and right of the board or wall, then have the youth find and choose a piece.)
3. Have youth read the puzzle piece and place it where it goes on the puzzle. The images fade into each other, making it easy to know where each fits. Have children move pieces in place to fit as other puzzle pieces are taped to the board or laminated poster.
4. Tell youth that both books contain prophecies about Jesus Christ, where prophets told of His coming. Both books tell that Jesus Christ was baptized to “fulfil all righteousness” (Matthew 3:14-15; 2 Nephi 31:5-9). The Bible teaches us that “In the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established” (2 Corinthians 13:1).
TO MAKE: Print activity in color or black and white. Color, and cut out Bible and Book of Mormon puzzle pieces and laminate. Option (see #3 above): Laminate two posters for puzzles to fit on.
THOUGHT TREAT: Two Waffles or Two Wafer Cookies side-by-side. Talk about the many scripture verses that supply deep thoughts (point to inside waffle holes) that testify of Jesus Christ, but in separate books to tie the two sides of the world (continents) and two sets of scriptures together.
SOURCE ST 2011#5
More Learning Activities:
- SHOW VIDEOS: Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ
- SHOW VIDEO – For Our Day – Latter-day Saint youth from around the world describe the influence and guidance the Book of Mormon provides in their lives.
- SHOW VIDEO – For a Wise Purpose – (1 Nephi 9) A seminary teacher uses oversized models of the Book of Mormon, the gold plates, and other source plates to help his students understand the structure of the book.
- SHOW VIDEO ON FELLOWSHIPPING OTHERS – I Will Prepare the Way – (1 Nephi 17) The support and direction the Lord gave to Nephi when he was commanded to build a ship serve as a model for a young woman as she faces an overwhelming task of her own.
- SHOW VIDEO ON AGENCY: Act for Themselves – (2 Nephi 2) A young man’s alter ego shows him how all things are provided to allow him to use his agency to choose liberty and eternal life or captivity and spiritual death.
COME FOLLOW ME Lesson Ideas (Old Testament October Lesson 44)
The scriptures teach me about Jesus Christ.
Ezekiel compared the house of Israel to two sticks that become one. These sticks also symbolize the Bible and Book of Mormon, which unitedly testify of Christ.
DOWNLOAD Two Testaments of Jesus Christ puzzle (HERE or below)
Give some children copies of the Book of Mormon; give others copies of the Bible. Summarize Ezekiel 37:15–19 by explaining that the Lord told Ezekiel to write on two sticks representing the Bible and the Book of Mormon. Read verse 17, and invite each child to find someone who has a book of scripture different from theirs and “join them” together so that they “become one in [their hands].” Talk about how both the Bible and the Book of Mormon help us strengthen our faith in Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.
Using pictures from the Gospel Art Book or from past years’ Come, Follow Me books, help the children share stories about Jesus from the Bible and the Book of Mormon. Ask them to share why they are thankful to have these two books of scripture.
The Bible and the Book of Mormon help “gather” us to Jesus Christ.
Ezekiel’s “stick of Judah” (the Bible) and “stick of Joseph” (the Book of Mormon) work together to gather Israel to the Savior (see Ezekiel 37:19).
Hold up a copy of the Bible and the Book of Mormon, and ask the children why they feel it’s good to have both of these books. Read to them Ezekiel 37:19, and explain that “the stick of Joseph” refers to the Book of Mormon, which was written by the descendants of Joseph of Egypt, and “the stick of Judah” refers to the Bible, which was written mostly by the Jews. Then read together verses 21–23 and 2 Nephi 3:12, and list blessings that come from having both of these books.
Put a picture of Jesus in the middle of the room, and invite the children to move their chairs to different places along the walls of the room. Then ask them to use the Topical Guide to find scriptures in the Bible and Book of Mormon that teach about Jesus Christ (if needed, show them how to do this). After each child shares a scripture, invite all the children to move their chairs closer to the picture of Jesus. Continue until everyone has been “gathered” back to Him.