YOUTH GOAL ACTIVITY. PROPHET PONDER journal. Youth will be inspired to write the prophet’s message and to ponder and pray about his words with this page. They can first hear these messages in the April and October general conferences (reading a month later in the Church magazines). The prophet’s words are God’s words to us, a treasure to be treasured.
1. Start by writing notes from the living prophet’s talk in general conference on the Prophet Ponder journal page. Read or watch conference talks online ( or read them in the May or November issues of the Ensign.
2. Ask youth to review notes, placing a star by ideas they want to remember or share with someone.
3. Ask the youth to share these important ideas in a youth meeting or with a friend.
TO MAKE Print activity in color or black and white.
TESTIMONY TIME MACHINE: Assign each youth a prophet from the scriptures or the latter-day prophets. Ask them to dress like this prophet (to the best of their ability without expense) and give a three-minute talk on this prophet’s testimony. Tell a story that the prophet told. Arrange these stories chronologically, writing the names of these prophets on the blackboard. Write Testimony Time Machine on the board. Then ask youth to give their prophet’s testimony.
CONFERENCE REVIEW GAME: Print/copy quotes from prophets have said in general conference. Place them in a box labeled “A Latter-day Prophet Speaks.” Ask youth to take turns drawing a message from the box, reading the message ahead of time, reading the message aloud, or saying it in their own words, then explaining what it means to them.
CONFERENCE TALK CONVERSATIONS: Divide the youth into groups of two or three. Assign each group a conference talk to review from the Ensign. Ask each group to read the talk, outline the key points, and then make up a conversation they can share (like a skit) in front of the other youth.
PROPHET PORTRAITS: Assign a latter-day prophet to each youth, and youth leader. Have them research their prophet and come prepared to tell about him and what he was most famous for. Tell of experiences that are faith promoting. Have the pictures displayed and have speaker hold her prophet’s picture as she gives her presentation.
LOOK FOR the Latter-day Prophets Have Helped the Church to Grow (Prophet Puzzle Match) post and present activity soon to be added to this website that spotlights these prophets. Examples: Joseph Smith translated the Book of Mormon, Brigham Young led the pioneers to Utah, John Taylor was known as “defender of the faith” because he supported the Church and leaders in times of trouble. Wilford Woodruff taught the importance of genealogy and temple work for the dead. The list goes on naming 11 more prophets to President Hinkley.
VIDEO: On the Lord’s Errand: The Life of Thomas S. Monson (59:54)
“WINDOWS OF HEAVEN”: Watch the movie Windows of Heaven (found in your ward library or shown below) and pop popcorn together. Have other refreshments that start with the letter P like pop, potato chips, or pretzels. WINDOWS OF HEAVEN MOVIE:
Other Windows of Heaven talks and videos are available, e.g., watch The Windows of Heaven video/talk by Elder David A. Bednar, Quorum of the 12 Apostles (Spiritual and temporal blessings come into our lives as we live the law of tithing).
LEARN HOW Members Keep Conference Alive in Everyday Life . . . Read More
• MAY Lesson 1 “Why is it important to follow the living prophets?”