USE FOR: COME FOLLOW ME, Primary, Sunday School, and family scripture study
Priesthood Power ponder GAME
OBJECTIVE: Help youth ponder priesthood duties and blessings.
THERE ARE TWO SIZES FOR THIS ACTIVITY: One for Post-and-Present for larger groups (or for Sharing Time), and one for a handout or smaller group activity.

Description of Lesson Activity: Use this as a review spinning to Ponder 1 – reveal how priesthood holder performs blessings, Ponder 2 – answer quiz questions to earn points, Ponder 3 – blessing discussion.
Youth can take the game home to use as a teaching tool during a family home evening or teach this to children in Primary sharing time.
To Play Priesthood Power Ponder Game: Read D&C 107:18 and review the Priesthood Quiz cards. Divide players into two teams. Take turns spinning the wheel and then ponder the priesthood power they land on:
• Ponder 1 (Priesthood Holder): When the spinner points to a priesthood holder (e.g., “Home Teacher”—the large portions on the wheel), the player tells how that priesthood holder performs priesthood blessings (e.g., “The home teacher visits families each month to give a spiritual message and offer help where needed”). The player then receives 5 points for his or her team.
• Ponder 2 (Priesthood Quiz): When spinner lands on the words “Priesthood Quiz,” the player draws and reads aloud a priesthood quiz card. The team can help answer, receiving 15 points if the answer is correct.
• Ponder 3 (Priesthood Blessing): When the spinner lands on “Priesthood Blessing,” they automatically receive 5 points. The player draws a blessing card, reads it aloud; then says yes if they have had this blessing. Give players time to talk about that specific blessing and share experiences.
TO MAKE Print activity in color or black and white. Place a paper fastener in the center to attach spinner.
PRIESTHOOD GET-TO-KNOW-YOU NIGHT: Honor priesthood holders in your ward, talking about the various duties of the priesthood with a panel discussion, or play the game above. Then get to know priesthood leaders by asking them questions about themselves, e.g., what is their favorite color, sport, favorite past time, favorite family activity, dating activity, food, vacation, or movie.
PRIESTS AND SACRAMENT PREPARATION PREVIEW: Have the young men/priests show young women the room where they fill the sacrament trays with water and bread and the prayer card behind the sacrament table. Priests can talk about the sacrament duties and how they feel about the priesthood they hold.