$1.75 LESSON LIFESAVER Activity for Come Follow Me – Young Women or Teens, family home evening, Seminary, LDS printables to download

Use for COME FOLLOW ME Young Women, Young Men, Seminary or Youth, Family Home Evening, Primary and Home lessons or Activity Days

Dad-support Lily Pad Reminders word scramble


OBJECTIVE: Encourage youth to love and support their dads (and/or) dads who hold the priesthood.

ACTIVITY: Give youth a Lily Pad Reminders list to “Hop on in and figure out how to support our dads!” Have the youth unscramble the words on each lily pad and write them in the space provided. Encourage them to try one each week to improve their relationship with their father.

My Lily Pad of Reminders - HOW TO SUPPORT DAD
HOVER OVER or ZOOM IN (to view)

• (Left column): Build him up; say kind and thoughtful things. Be cheerful and helpful at home. Support him in family home evening.
• (Center column): Ask for a father’s blessing. Seek his advice and counsel. Give him love and appreciation.
• (Right column): Share concerns and interests. Get to know him. Be obedient. Spend time together. Set a good example to brothers and sisters.

TO MAKE Print activity in color or black and white.

Mutual Night Activities - Come Follow Me, Young Women, Lesson Activities, Young Adult Activities, GospelGrabBag.comMUTUAL NIGHT, SEMINARY, OR FAMILY NIGHT ACTIVITIES

Plan an evening of fun and games with dads.

• Game Ideas: balloon toss, gunny sack, three-legged or relay races; Frisbee baseball; Nerf baseball.
• Serve barbecued burgers, creating a picnic; sitting on blankets on the lawn (or floor in the recreation hall).
• Allow time for youth to express their love and gratitude to their fathers. Those who do not have their dads there can bring a grandfather, special uncle, brother, or guardian.

Do a science project, yard work, painting, or building project with Dad. This could be recorded on a video or pictures take of the before and after project and shared with the group at the Dandy Dad’s Night (above) or other.

Make Dad feel like the star in your life by making a homemade card. These can be presented during the Daddy Dads Night (above).

Creative Ideas:  ☆Have youth bring candy bars to make a candy bar card on poster paper for their dad. ☆Bring art supplies, nails, magazine pictures, stamps, buttons, golf tees, etc., to glue on card. ☆Create pop-up cards.  ☆Create a letter card, writing a letter to slip inside a specially designed cover or envelope. ☆Create a book card by writing a history of your experiences with your dad in a book entitled, A Book about Me and My Dad. ☆Draw pictures of you and your dad and tell about them. ☆Make a thumbprint card using a stamp pad and your thumbprint to create Dad’s favorite animals or animals you have had in your family. Youth could write about good times with their dads and family pets.



PRIESTHOOD: LDS Lesson Activity: Dad-support Lily Pad Reminders wordscramble – Family relationships, honoring your father and his priesthood

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