YOUTH LESSON ACTIVITY. TEMPLE MARRIAGE PREPARATION tent-card. On one side of the card, youth can read that they “should begin today to so live their lives that they will be found worthy” … to enter the temple. On the back, they can set goals “Things I will do now to prepare for my temple marriage.” For example, Be morally clean, pay tithing, be honest, and choose a worthy companion.
Use for COME FOLLOW ME Young Women, Young Men, Family Home Evening, Seminary/Institute
Temple Marriage preparation tent-card
OBJECTIVE: Tent-card helps youth increase their desire to be ready for when the time comes for them to enter the temple by listing how they will prepare for a temple marriage.
#1 Youth can read the quote by Harold B. Lee “Youth should begin today to so order their lives that they will be found worthy at the proper time to go to the House of the Lord and be uplifted and sanctified by the temple ceremony.”

#2 They can visualize creating an eternal family by placing the right choices on their own personalized temple tent card. Temple tent card can stand up and be placed on their dresser or table.
To Use: Youth can write on one side of the card, things they will do now to prepare for her temple marriage.
Ideas: Be morally clean, respect and support the priesthood, pay their tithing, practice the law of the fast, be honest, obey the Word of Wisdom, set a good example, maintain clean speech, pray regularly, honor parents, choose a worthy companion, obey all of God’s commandments.
TO MAKE Print activity in color or black and white.
TEMPLE MARRIAGE PANEL: With the bishop’s help, gather together a panel to discuss temple marriage. Choose recently married couples, older couples, and a recently sealed together family. Have young women write questions ahead of time, asking the bishop to direct a few.
MARRIAGE MUSEUM: Create a museum of potential marriage companions. Create life-size silhouettes of couples out of colored craft paper and display them on the wall. Divide young women into two teams and give them a marker.
1. Assign one group of youth to write on one silhouette positive traits for an eternal mate that would lead them to an eternal marriage. Assign the second group to write on another silhouette those traits that would lead them away from a temple marriage.
2. Have youth share their lists of ideas.
Source YW2.15