Use for COME FOLLOW ME Young Women, Young Men, Seminary, Family Home Evening, Primary, or children and youth goal activities
Hum-mmm a Hymn! hummingbird poster
OBJECTIVE: Encourage youth to select a children’s song or hymn they would like to memorize that they can recall when they want to guard their virtue and thoughts.
ACTIVITY: Write the words to the hymn on this poster. Read D&C 121:45: “Let virtue garnish thy thouhts unceasingly … .” We too can hum a hymn-like a hummingbird.
About Hummingbirds: Tell youth that a hummingbird is a three- to six-inch bird, the smallest bird in the world. “Hummingbirds get their name from the humming sound made by their wings, which go 60 to 70 times a second” (World Book). They fly in a circular fashion and collect nectar from flowers such as the trumpet vine. They like to be fed sugar water. Place this sugar water in a bird feeder by a window and watch for these hummers.

TO MAKE print activity in color or black and white.
THOUGHT TREAT: Sweet Humming. Offer sweet treats as rewards for the following. Have youth come up and hum a line or two of their favorite hymn or children’s song. If a youth guesses the song within 15 seconds, give them a sweet treat. Give the hummer a treat for participating. Play in teams to compete, awarding an extra-special treat for the winning team of hummers.
SING SONG USING SONG VISUALS . . . Hum Your Favorite Hymn (CS, 15
CHOOSE YOUR WEAPON AGAINST IMMORAL THOUGHTS: Tell youth to choose their weapon (a poem, thought, picture, song, or hymn) that helps them fight immoral thoughts and bring it with them. Have some great music, poetry, paintings that inspire, etc., on hand. Be sure to have a picture of the Savior. Talk about inspiring thoughts, pictures, songs, or hymns. Share these with each other and enjoy them. Express your love and concern for these wonderful young women and how you want them protected. Remind them of their responsibility to their future spouse and children to stay worthy and clean. This weapon or object/song/thought can be like an anchor to keep you from wavering, keep you steady and on the straight path.
DART WEAPON THROWING CONTEST TO FIGHT TEMPTATION: Talk about pitfalls and temptations in dating that may lead to immorality. Write some of these temptations and challenges on small balloons (already blown up), then tape these onto a large poster. Talk about the fiery darts Satan sends out to tempt us (Ephesians 6:16). Divide into two teams to compete and throw darts to pop the balloon temptations. Ahead of time tape a tag on each dart that reads: Have Your “Faith” Darts Ready to FIGHT Temptation.
RESPECTFUL DATING PANEL DISCUSSION: Select young men and women from a different area to share their views on a panel. Youth can select questions on dating. Focus on how to gain respect in dating.
MEMORIZE SCRIPTURE: Teachings of Jesus Bring Happiness – John 15:11
• I Will Follow God’s Plan (CS, 164)
• Nephi’s Courage (CS, 120)