YOUTH GOAL/LESSON ACTIVITY. SABBATH DAY PLANNER Saturday Preparations & Sunday Activities. Youth can prepare and truly measure their Sabbath activities with this “ruled” planner by asking “Is it doing good to others?” “Is it spiritually uplifting?” They can ask before writing their Sunday plans, “Would Jesus do these activities on the Sabbath?”
USE FOR: COME FOLLOW ME, Primary and Home lessons, Family Home Evening, Young Women, Activity Days, Sunday School, Bible Study
SABBATH DAY PLANNER (Saturday preparations & Sunday activities)
OBJECTIVE: Ask youth to think of how they are measuring up to Sabbath day activities. Are the activities spent doing good? Are they spiritually uplifting? Would Jesus do these activities on the Sabbath? Have youth write on their planner: (1) What they would do on Saturday to prepare for the Sabbath, (2) Activities to do on Sunday to keep the Sabbath day holy.

Have youth write on this planner:
(1) What they would do on Saturday to prepare for the Sabbath, and (2) Activities to do on Sunday to keep the Sabbath day holy.
TO MAKE print activity in color or black and white.
THOUGHT TREAT: 7th Day 7 Candy Reminder. Give youth 7 candies (e.g., M&Ms). Have them eat 5 pieces of candy. As they eat #6, have them tell them something they can do to prepare for the Sabbath. As they eat #7, have them name a worthy Sabbath day activity.
With these ideas and those of the youth, you should be able to make each Sabbath day memorable.
MAKE A SABBATH DAY QUIET BOOK FOR CHILDREN: Invite someone who does quiet books to come with supplies to show youth how to make them. Youth can give quite books to a charity, donate them to a ward family or the nursery, or save them for their own children someday. Have youth write a short poem about how they feel about the Sabbath. Use fabric paints to write on inside cover. Serve veggies and dip (an easy Sunday treat).
SABBATH DAY SHOW-AND-TELL IDEA NIGHT: Have youth bring games and activities they like to do with their family. They can present a family home evening idea, gospel game (or any game their family enjoys), scripture activities, and more.
Ideas: ~ Bible Bingo (make up your own game) ~ scripture chase ~ give a sharing time lesson from the Friend ~ make thumbprint pictures of animals found in the scriptures ~ share journal entries ~ review missionary discussions ~ write letters to missionaries or family and friends ~ tell stories about ancestors or show an object that belonged to an ancestor ~ make a gospel grab bag by looking up favorite scriptures and placing them in a bag ~ make a testimony time capsule by writing testimonies, burying them in a container, and digging them up before graduating from the youth program.
MEMORIZE SCRIPTURE: Teachings of Jesus Bring Happiness – John 15:11 – DOWNLOAD SCRIPTURE POSTER / CARDS
VIDEO: Keeping the Sabbath Day Holy – The Clayton Christensen Basketball Story
VIDEO: Keeping The Sabbath – (Mark 2:23-28) President Gordon B. Hinckley teaches the importance of keeping the Sabbath day holy. (1:05) CLICK HERE TO VIEW VIDEO FROM YOUR I-PHONE.
• I Will Follow God’s Plan (CS, 164)
Source YW1.25