YOUTH GOAL ACTIVITY. WHAT I WANT TO “BEE” ETERNALLY challenge cards. Youth learn these four ways to prepare for eternal life, life with Heavenly Father, and Jesus which is God’s plan of salvation. BEE Cards: • I want to BEE prepared for a patriarchal blessing. • I want to BEE more like Jesus as I follow in his steps. • I want to BEE righteous by reading the scriptures daily. • I want to BEE of service to others.
For Come Follow Me lessons, Children and Youth goals, Primary, Sunday School, and family night and devotionals
What I want to “Bee” Eternally -Challenge Cards
BEE Cards Read:
• I want to BEE prepared for a patriarchal blessing.
• I want to BEE more like Jesus as I follow in his steps.
• I want to BEE righteous by reading the scriptures daily.
• I want to BEE of service to others.
1. Youth can tape these to their mirror to remind them of the woman they can become.
2. Youth can write on the back of each card how they can achieve this goal and how achieving this goal will help them eternally as they face trials in mortal life.

3. Youth can picture in their minds the person they will become if they do what is on the card. Ask them to mentally contemplate who they will be if they do not do what is on the card.
TO MAKE print activity in color or black and white.
THOUGHT TREAT: Sweet Eternity Honey Taffy.
1. Give each youth a bag of honey taffy (purchased or homemade*).
2. Tell youth that bees work very hard to produce honey, and we can work hard now to become the person we want to be eternally.
*Honey Candy – 100 Year Old Recipe: (click on recipe by Helena Muffly: 2013 Ladies Home Journal, shown)
Make Honey Taffy by boiling 1-2 cups honey 5 – 8 minutes (checking soft-ball stage by placing water in a cup and dropping some boiling honey into cup – to see if it forms a soft – firm ball). Pour onto a buttered cookie sheet and stir with a spatula, adding 1/4 – 1/2 cup butter (a must) so taffy doesn’t get hard. Then when cool enough to pick up form into long strips onto waxed paper and cool 5 minutes then cut into pieces.
TRIAL TALK: Have someone come and talk about how they faced their trials (e.g. physical handicap, the death of a loved one, etc.). Let them tell their story and answer questions. You could also have someone come who has been in a war and has seen suffering and devastation. You might even invite someone who has lived in another country to come and talk about the trials they have faced. Talk about solutions to specific trials.
WHEELCHAIR WALK: Go to a nursing home or care center and take someone in a wheelchair for a walk, and/or visit to cheer and brighten their world.
• MAY Lesson 6 How can a patriarchal blessing help me?
• NOVEMBER Lesson 7 How can I find solutions to my challenges and problems?