YOUTH GOAL ACTIVITY. I GIVE A HOOT! Vocation Future Focus planner. Youth can choose a vocation they are interested in and interview someone who WHOO has that vocation, writing their comments on the planner. They can plan to visit that type of place of employment and then record their feelings about the vocation. GIVING A HOOT like the owl they can be wise, patience, and introspective (seeing in the dark).
Use for Young Women, Young Men, Seminary, Family Home Evening, Primary Sharing Time or Activity Days
I Give a Hoot!
Vocation Future Focus planner
ACTIVITY. Talk about the owl, who symbolizes being wise, patient, and introspective (can see in the dark). Read D&C 9:7-9 and say, “If we pray about our choices, we can see through obscurity [clouded darkness] as the wise owl is able to do.”
Suggest to Youth:
1. Focus on their future by completing this planner form for each vocational choice.
2. Give youth several forms. Encourage them to pray about pursuing their future vocation.

3. Encourage youth to consider a home vocation, something they can do at home to earn money while they raise their children; or to pursue a career they can do before or after their families are raised.
TO MAKE. Print activity in color or black and white.
THOUGHT TREAT: Wise Owl Gummy Treats. Give each youth some candy gummy worms. Say, “Like the wise owl hunting for food, we can hunt diligently for our education and develop our talents. This way we can provide for our families.”
NOBLE CAREER: Pull scriptures and quotes from prophets and General Authorities that talk about careers and vocations and the role of women. Impress upon them a desire to first fulfill their responsibilities as wives and mothers, the noblest career. If young men are present, discuss their roles as husbands and fathers and priesthood responsibilities. Assure them that knowledge and skills are very important. Guide them through choices that can give them great satisfaction and joy in both areas (work and family). Talk about reserving full-time careers for the right time and the importance of family first. Speakers could give tours of their home businesses, or explain how their career choices allow their families to come first.
STEPS TO CHOOSE CAREERS: Encourage youth to take the time to choose one or more careers so they can begin planning for their future. Tell them, “We should get as much learning as possible, because we never know what might happen, or if we will have the opportunity to get married. Of course, for young women the home is the highest calling when we are at that point; but it doesn’t always necessarily work out that way. We need work skills before we’re married, while we are married, and after the kids are grown.”
Ideas: •Learn about career choices. •Learn about educational opportunities in your area. •Learn about scholarships. •Discuss subjects that will help with vocation and family life. •Learn good personal study habits. •Review school grades to determine how you can improve, then increase study time.
STUDY HABITS: Share good study habits.
Ideas: •Organize. •Schedule time. •Study without distractions (TV, music, or friends). •Pray for the Spirit. •Write text to study on cards to post and memorize. •Take short breaks, and then get right back to studying.