Use for Young Women, Young Men, Sunday School, Seminary, Family Home Evening
Home “Tweet” Home No-Mess Nest Routine

Objective: Help youth identify things they can do on a daily and weekly basis that will help make their home a more pleasant place to be.
To Use: Encourage youth to write tasks on this wheel they plan to complete each day. Challenge them to do these each day and week to make them a habit.
1. Don’t leave a room without putting at least three things away;
2. Shine the bathroom counter and mirrors each night;
3. Wash, iron, and care for clothing;
4. Do the dinner or breakfast dishes;
5. Put away clutter in one or more rooms;
6. Prepare a meal and clean up mess.
Note: This Home “Tweet” Home No-Mess Nest Routine is different from the Home “Tweet” Home Improvement List where you list odd jobs: clean out a draw, cupboard, or closet; clean a corner in the garage or basement.
TO MAKE: Print activity in color or black and white.
THOUGHT TREAT: Graham Cracker Bird House. Youth can create their own bird house by frosting graham crackers together. Glue candy treats on top with frosting. As they eat, talk about ways to make a home a “tweet” (sweet) place to live.
TESTIMONY SHARING: Ask youth to share their testimony on the following. Ideas: Why is work an important gospel principle? “The Lord has commanded us not to be idle. Developing the capacity to work helps us contribute to the world in which we live. It brings an increased sense of self-worth. It blesses us and our families, both now and in the future.”
MUTUAL NIGHT, Family Night, Seminary, Sunday School ACTIVITIES
JOB JAR AND JOB JAR GENERAL: Help youth create their own “Job Jar” label to place on a jar with job word strips to place inside jar. Have them work with their family, with a Job General (could be a younger sibling) in charge for the week, and have each person draw a job from the jar, tell the General the job, and report back to the Job General when the job is complete.
TIMER TACTICS: Have youth go through a home with a timer in hand. Divide into two groups and assign a room, giving 5-10 minutes per room. Ask them to beat the clock and clean the room before the timer rings. With two working together, it makes work enjoyable and they can get twice as much done.
CLOSET CONCENTRATION: Tell youth that next week they are going to have a closet tour to get ready for inspection and to offer ideas on how to keep a closet clean. If they are not ready for the closet tour, others can come and help. Ideas: Hang clothes in groups of colors or items, empty hangers in front, drawers neat, simplify wardrobe, and everything in its place.
VIDEO: Meghan Trainor “All About That Bass” Parody – “I Just Can’t Clean This Place” Laughing Moms by Alisha found Eden
• November Lesson 4 “Why is work an important gospel principle?”
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