TEENS/YOUTH ACTIVITY: MISSIONARY PREPARATION mirror motivators. Youth can post these skill-making reminders to prepare to teach the gospel: “It’s No Bologna You Must Build Your Testimony!” “It’s Quite a Thrill to Have a Skill!” “When You Know You Glow!” They can write desired skills in the journal spaces.
Use for COME, FOLLOW ME Young Women, Young Men, Family Home Evening, Primary, or Children and Youth Goals
Missionary Preparation mirror motivators
OBJECTIVE: Encourage youth to prepare to share the gospel with this set of these motivators to post on their mirror and write how they can prepare to be a missionary. Share your goals with the young women as a group.

Mirror Motivators Read:
1. It’s no bologna, you must build your testimony! As I prepare to share the gospel, I will strengthen my testimony by __________.
2. It’s quite a thrill . . . to have a skill! As I prepare to share the gospel, I will develop the following skill: __________.
3. When you know, you glow! As I prepare to share the gospel, I will increase my knowledge by __________.
TO MAKE print activity in color or black and white.
THOUGHT TREAT. Missionary ConfidenceCupcakes.
Option #1: Give youth a cupcake with a question mark written with frosting on top. As them to brainstorm what they can do to gain confidence so that when they have missionary moments, they can share the gospel.
Option #2: Write or type several investigator questions and roll them up and wrap in foil. Then slip them inside a cupcake (before frosting them). When youth find these, they can ask the investigator questions and discuss how they might answer.
Our Prophet Russell M. Nelson said, “A worthy woman [man] personifies the truly noble and worthwhile attributes of life. A faithful woman [man] can become a devoted daughter of God—more concerned with being righteous than with being selfish, more anxious to exercise compassion than to exercise dominion, more committed to integrity than to notoriety. And she knows of her [his] own infinite worth.” (Talk Oct. 1989 “Woman–Of Infinite Worth”) Note: This pertains to young men as well.
Our Prophet Russell M. Nelson that you as youth can “Catch the Wave” as you “strive to be worthy of mission calls.
You see this as a wave of truth and righteousness. You see your opportunity to be on the crest of that wave.
You, teenagers, embrace your new curriculum and teach one another the doctrine of Jesus Christ. Now is your time to prepare to teach others about the goodness of God.
Young men and women, your education is ever important—to us, to you, and to God.” (Talk “Catch the Wave” April 2013)
MISSIONARY FOR A DAY: Have youth learn what a typical week is like in the life of a missionary. Plan a day or a few hours where they can sample it all. Ask sister missionaries to come and tell them what they do. Ideas: Reading the scriptures together, going on splits with the missionaries, visiting member neighbors, asking questions about their nonmember friends, encouraging them to fellowship nonmembers, cooking healthy meals in a hurry, practicing social skills.
SCHOOL DAZE AND MISSIONARY WAYS WORKSHOP:Ask youth to divide into teams to discuss ways they can be a missionary at school. Encourage them to show how they can team up to fellowship and befriend nonmembers and less-active girls. They can put on a skit, write a poem, give ideas, make up situations, role play, or ask questions and talk about being a missionary.
MISSION PREP PARTY: Give youth a mock missionary badge as they enter the room. Have experts in each area give demonstrations or teach valuable skills.
Ideas: Learn to iron; do laundry; sew on a button; make scones; lead music; introduce yourself; learn about facial expressions and eye contact; discuss dress, grooming, posture, manners, and conversation.
• January Lesson 5 “Who am I, and who can I become?”
• December Lesson 1 “How can I invite others to come unto Christ?”