Use for Youth Goals, Sunday School, Seminary, Youth Doctrinal Classes, family home evening
Time Tracker journal
Encourage youth to avoid crisis living by managing their time wisely. Advise them to manage their time and “not run faster or labor more than they have strength.”
1. Read Mosiah 4:27 and D&C 10:4 as found on the motivation poster Time Tracker.
2. Help youth write on their Time Tracker Journal ways they can:
• “Establish priorities”
• “Eliminate unimportant things”
• “Improve work and study habits”
• “Recognize [their] limitations.”

3. Ask youth to try these four ways to help them track their time daily. Encourage them to use a calendar and track even the minutes.
TO MAKE Print activity in color or black and white.
THOUGHT TREAT: Clock Cookies. Frost and decorate sugar cookies with a smiling face in the center and lines for hands-on clock, creating these with frosting in a tube. Stick small candies on the 12, 3, 6, and 9 points of the clock. Tell youth that time will pass and goals will not be achieved unless they plan their time. Encourage them to schedule their Personal Progress and Duty to God (or Eagle Scout) goals to complete each on time.
PLAN AHEAD: Gather youth together and say you are making cookies. Do not bring the eggs. Have them go to someone’s house close to the church and borrow eggs. If possible, prearrange with a few people to not have the needed eggs. They can then direct youth to another house, perhaps next door. When they find eggs, begin to make the cookies, then say, “Oh, I forgot the milk.” Ask young women to get the milk from a preassigned home. As you sit and eat cookies, talk about planning ahead, making lists, getting things done in order, etc. This could be quite fun if “planned” well.
PLAN TO SUCCEED: Ask youth and leaders to share their ideas on planning for success.
Ideas: •Have a place for everything and have everything in its place. •Give away things you don’t absolutely need. •Plan your day in detail with a calendar or planner. •Allow time for flexibility (don’t plan your schedule too tightly). •Take care of priorities first. •Plan time for your family and for service. •Make checklists and check them often. •Plan a healthy diet, exercise, and drink plenty of water. •Plan self-time, time to relax, time to read, and time to think. •Pray and read the scriptures. •Plan a weekly family home evening. •Plan for a career (especially a home career). •Plan and schedule goals and activities.
STRESS REDUCTION: Ask youth and leaders to share stress reduction ideas.
Ideas: •Focus on your strengths and how they can help you in stressful times. •Develop a sense of humor—cry, laugh. •Take a break—walk in the fresh air. •Exercise •Listen to music you like. •Talk to parents, family, and Heavenly Father about problems, and really listen. •Accept your school, home, church, and work responsibilities. •Schedule priorities. •Save for things you will need in the future. •Plan your time. •Change habits that cause stress. •Eat healthy—avoiding junk food.
See A-Z INDEX (on the above menu to find activities on subjects: FAMILY, GOALS, SERVICE, TIME MANAGEMENT, WORK).]
• November Lesson 4 “Why is work an important gospel principle?”