Developing Talents Goal 2:
Learn to sing, play, or lead a song from the Children’s Songbook. Teach or share the song in a family home evening or at Primary. Discuss how developing talents helps prepare us for service to Heavenly Father and others.
Hum Your Favorite Hymn singing face wheel
Thunder and Lightening talent brainstorm
THEME: I Will Prepare to Serve Others
Invite Activity Days youth to this activity using invitation.
For This Same Invitation:
Use to invite youth to anytime activity where you are talking about music, singing, musical instruments or sharing of talents, etc., having a speaker come to inspire them to develop these talents.
Print, fill out, and give invitations to youth a week ahead (perhaps during the previous week’s activity to invite them to the next).
• Have youth pair up to bring treats for the next activity.
• See matching THOUGHT TREATS below each activity.

“Hum Your Favorite Hymn”
(Singing Face Wheel)
1. Print, color, and cut out the “Hum Your Favorite Hymn” Singing Face visual. Cut out the window on top of the head. Attach part A wheel to part B face with a paper fastener (metal brad). Obtain a copy of the “Hum Your Favorite Hymn,” in the Children’s Songbook, p. 152.”
2. Use the visual to teach the song by turning the wheel and showing the picture through the window.
3. When you come to the chorus, turn the wheel back around to matching visuals.
4. See p. 301 in the Children’s Songbook to lead “Hum Your Favorite Hymn” using the 2/4 beat pattern.
THOUGHT TREATS (Sing a Song – Black Bird Pie). Serve youth a berry pie and sing “Sing the 18th century song: “Sing a song of sixpence, A pocket full of rye. Four and twenty blackbirds, Baked in a pie. When the pie was opened, The birds began to sing; Wasn’t that a dainty dish, to set before the king?” The song goes on (if time, teach this to youth). But don’t miss the part of the blackbird snipping off the nose (hold thumb between two joining fingers to represent the lost nose as you place fingers next to the person’s nose you are singing to). Thought: Use your imagination (who would think of blackbirds coming out of a pie?) . . . You can. Explain that creativity is thinking of something usual in an unusual way. WATCH VIDEO:
Thunder and Lightening (Talent Brainstorm)
Print, color, and cut out the Thunder and Lightening Talent Brainstorm cards and place cards in a container.
Brainstorm: You have to be as quick as a bolt of lightning or clap of thunder to think up these talents. Divide into two teams and take turns drawing a talent card from the container. The team drawing the card has 10 seconds to look at the image on the card and think of a talent that matches the image and then tell how that talent benefits others. If they can’t, the other team has 10 seconds to do so to earn the point.
THOUGHT TREATS: (Stretching Talents String Licorice Game). Purchase two packages of string licorice (for 10 girls) and play this fun game to brainstorm community-service ideas.
To Create Game: Write up a list of 15-20 service ideas, e.g., talents we can develop that help us serve (see goal activity, or check the Community Service column in local newspaper, or check with library for ideas). On each of the 15 separate slips of paper, write the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5. Cut out and fold all service ideas and numbers in the same container and mix together.
To Play: (1) Divide into two teams. Have teams take turns drawing a wordstrip or number from the container. (2) If they draw a service idea, they tell how they might perform this community service. Then collect one string of licorice for their team. (3) If they draw a number, e.g., “5,” name five service projects needed in a community within 30 seconds and collect 5 strings of licorice for their team. (3)The team with the most licorice strings wins. Option: Tie licorice strings together. Measure at the end to see who has the longest string. Say, “We will go the extra mile to serve in our community.”
Thought: Ask girls to stretch the piece of licorice and think about stretching their talents as they serve.
More Activity Day Activities:
• NEXT activity: Developing Talents – Goal 3
• PREVIOUS activity: Developing Talents – Goal 1
• TABLE OF CONTENTS: Developing Talents – Goals 1-10
Shop STORE for more Activity Days activities like this one, or access them from the ACTIVITY Days menu above. |
• “Hum Your Favorite Hymn” (Singing Face Wheel)
• Lightening and Thunder (Talent Brainstorm)
SHOW VIDEO: This Kid Is 2 Years Old Basketball Trick Shots!