Use For: CHURCH and HOME children and youth activities.
ACTIVITY DAYS Activity – Developing Talents Goal 4:
Nature Prints calendar, card, and picture frame
Rock Fun (Tic-Tac-Toe Game and Rock Creations)
Make an item from wood, metal, fabric, or other material, or draw, paint, or sculpt a piece of art. Display your finished work for others to see.
THEME: Creative Works of Art
Invite Activity Days youth to this activity using invitation.
For This Same Invitation: Use to invite youth to anytime activity where art or learning a new skill is involved. Example: Painting sugar cookies before baking, or paint a piece of bread before toasting (with food coloring mixed in canned milk). Or, make gingerbread cookies and bake then frost with frosting making a design, like a haunted house at Halloween.
• Print invitations, color, and give out a week ahead or have them ready to give to youth at a current activity, inviting them to the next.
• Have youth who are more active take the invitation to those less active.
• See matching THOUGHT TREATS below each activity.
• Have youth share their favorite recipes with you and you could make them during Activity Days or have them make them ahead to share.
• With the Activity Days budget have youth help you plan treats ahead for the next activity – hopefully treats that go along with the goal or lesson theme.

Nature Prints (Calendar, Card, and Picture Frame)
1. Print and cut out the Nature Prints Calendar, Card, and Envelope patterns.
2. Make a calendar, card, and envelope following the ideas below and on the calendar page.
3. Purchase a paintable picture frame and decorate.
Ideas: 1) Go on a nature walk/hike to find items to decorate these projects, e.g., leaves, apple halves, tiny shells or twigs. Create a pattern using items. 2) Using a leaf or apple slice, paint one side of the leaf or apple and press it onto the paper to make a print. Lay another piece of paper on top to press the ink onto your project (keeping hands clean). 3) Glue on tiny shells or twigs.
To Create Calendar:
1. Decorate an 8 1/2″ x 11″ or larger sheet of paper.
2. Cut out calendar and spray the back with spray-on adhesive and mount it on the page.
3. Bind calendar using staples or hole-punch and ribbon.
THOUGHT TREAT (Nature Hike Trail Mix). Go on a nature hike and take along some trail mix by combining and packaging nuts, dried fruit, and crackers.
Rock Fun (Tic-Tac-Toe Game and Rock Creations)
Tic-Tac-Toe Game:
1. Print, color, cut out, and laminate the Tic-Tac-Toe Game Board.
2. Find small rocks. Paint 10 rocks to fit in squares (paint five rocks one color and the other five rocks another color).
3. Use rocks as markers to play the game.
Rules: Take turns placing a rock on the board. The first player to place three rocks in a straight or diagonal line wins.
Rock Creations: Use your imagination to paint: 1) a medium-sized rock to create a prayer rock to place under a pillow to remind someone to say prayers, 2) a small or medium-sized rock to create a pet rock—painting an animal or insect or the letters CTR (as a reminder to choose the right), 3) a larger rock to create a doorstop or the decorate a garden.
THOUGHT TREAT (Rock Candy – Jelly Beans). Give youth an assortment of 10 candies and have them chew as they tell how they “chew”-choose to be creative.
More Craft Ideas to Create:
• Cross Stitch Name on a Pillow (from – shown
More Activity Day Activities:
• NEXT activity: Developing Talents – Goal 5
• PREVIOUS activity: Developing Talents – Goal 3
• TABLE OF CONTENTS: Developing Talents – Goals 1-10
Shop STORE for more Activity Days activities like this one, or access them from the ACTIVITY Days menu above. |
• Nature Prints (Calendar, Card, and Picture Frame)
• Rock Fun (Tic-Tac-Toe Game and Rock Creations)
MORE CHOICES for Developing Talents – Goal 4: (coming soon)
• Theme #1: Creating Many Works of Art (Nature Prints, and Tic-Tac-Toe Game)
• Theme #2: I’m “Sew” Happy (Sew a book or scripture book cover)