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Developing Talents – Goal 10

Theme: I Can Eat an Elephant 

Subject: Developing Talents, Goals
USE FOR Faith in God Activity Days Activity or Family Home Evening

GOAL 10 – Plan and complete your own activity that will help you develop your talents.

See MORE CHOICES below to find three more themes for this Goal 10.

INVITATION: Give girls invitation ahead of time (available in book – see below).


I Can Eat an Elephant (create bite-size goals)
1. Print two copies of the My Bite-size Checklist elephant chart. Use one copy as a master to make copies later.

2. Cut out one copy to hang on the wall. Write your goal at the top of the chart, as well as the target date. Then write 1 to 6 short-range steps that will help you achieve the goal (specific things you’ll do). Schedule these tasks day by day.
3. Talk about how a goal is only a dream until it is written down. Use the chart for a few weeks, then report on how you are doing with your goal, remembering, “You can eat an elephant one bite at a time.”
4. Share ideas on goal motivation and how you can keep going. Talk about what you do when you get discouraged or frustrated as you try to achieve your goals.
5. Try beating the clock. Set the timer for 5 minutes for each room to clean or to work on each project. Setting the timer helps you get started and will motivate you to do simple tasks quickly. Use the checklist to list projects, e.g., cleaning a room, sewing on a button, cleaning a cupboard, mopping a floor, dusting, mending a sock.

THOUGHT TREAT (Peanut Butter Peanut-Shaped Cookies). Make cookie dough with peanut butter as one of the main ingredients. Form into peanut shapes and bake. (Elephants love peanuts.)

 More Activity Day Activities:

• NEXT activity: Young Women Preparation Goals 1-5

• PREVIOUS activity: Developing Talents – Goal 9

• TABLE OF CONTENTS: Developing Talents – Goals 1-10

Shop STORE for more Activity Days activities like this one, or access them from the ACTIVITY Days menu above.


 for Developing Talents – Goal 10:

• Theme #1: I Will Develop My Talents (Arm Yourself with Talents – Talented Octopus)

• Theme #2: Dough Art From the Heart (Dough Art From the Heart – Create heart-shaped pretzels)

 • Theme #3: I Can Eat an Elephant (I Can Eat an Elephant – Create bite-size goals)

 • Theme #4: Scrap-Happy Scrapbooking Fun! (Scrap-Happy Scrapbooking Fun! – Create scrapbook pages)

GOAL PLANNING: LDS Activity Days – Developing Talents – Goal 10, bite-size goal setting

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