MEMORIZE SCRIPTURE. HEAVENLY FATHER FORGIVES All Who Truly Repent D&C 88:86 scripture poster journal. Youth can memorize this scripture and write in the journal how to untie the ropes of wrongdoings. “Abide ye in the liberty wherewith ye are made free; entangle not yourselves in sin, but let your hands be clean, until the Lord comes.”
USE FOR: COME FOLLOW ME, Primary and Home (family home evening), Activity Days, Sunday School, Seminary, Bible Study
Heavenly Father Forgives All Who Truly Repent
D&C 88:86 bite-size memorize
OBJECTIVE: To help each youth understand that Heavenly Father forgives all who truly repent.
ACTIVITY: Bite-size Memorize
Help youth memorize D&C 88:86.
“Abide ye in the liberty wherewith ye are made free; entangle not yourselves in sin, but let your hands be clean, until the Lord comes.”

Also, see Galatians 5:1 “Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.”
1. Compare wrongdoings to the rope that entangles us. Let youth know that our free agency is important to feel happy. When we are entangled in sin, we feel unhappy.
Another Thought. The rope begins with one strand (one small sin) and then if repeated or adding another sin, the rope/strand becomes stronger and harder to resist. If we can break the strand immediately or dissolve it by repenting of the sin and not doing it again, we gain power over the entanglement–it cannot capture us. Joseph who was tempted by Potiphar’s wife knew in advance what he would do and he was able to RUN from the scene and escape sin’s snare. See the picture of Joseph resisting HERE – See Lessons from the Old Testament by Elder Ronald A. Rasband Of the Presidency of the Seventy (now an apostle) HERE about the story of Joseph who was sold into Egypt: “Joseph’s response is as powerful now as it was then: ‘How then can I do this great wickedness, and sin against God?'”
2. Help youth discover what they can do to untie the ropes of wrongdoings by reading D&C 58:42–43.
“Behold, he who has repented of his sins, the same is forgiven, and I, the Lord, remember them no more.
By this ye may know if a man repenteth of his sins—behold, he will confess them and forsake them.”
TO MAKE Print and cut out the Bite-size Memorize for each youth.
THOUGHT TREAT: Repentance Rope Licorice. Purchase Pull-and-Peel licorice (6 strands of licorice in a rope to pull apart). Tell the youth that sin can entangle us. Pull licorice strands apart and say, “Repentance sets us free from the binding influence of Satan. When we say ‛no’ to temptation we cannot be bound by the effects of sin. We are free to choose the right.”
SCRIPTURE CARDS: Help children Search and Ponder this scripture card by filling in the blanks. PRINT this 5 x 7 scripture card from the pdf included with the above activity. You can punch the two holes on the left and tie a ribbon to attach cards or use two metal rings to connect cards.
Jonah 2:9-10
“But I will sacrifice unto thee with the voice of thanksgiving; I will pay that that I have vowed. Salvation is of the Lord.
And the Lord spake unto the fish, and it vomited out Jonah upon the dry land.”
LESSON IDEAS (for the above activity):
Present Lesson 43 – Primary 6 Manual – Old Testament: Jonah and the People of Nineveh. Review enrichment activities 1 and 5 in the lesson manual for which the above activity illustrates.