Armor of God – Build a Hero or Pick-a-Song
Use for: Singing Fun Activity, Sharing Time, or Family Home Evening
17 pages (color/black-and-white visuals, song titles, instructions)
Objective: Help youth learn what a real hero is, one who puts on the whole armor of God. This activity will also help them choose and sing songs that remind them to put on the whole armor of God (D&C 27:16) detailed below. This is ideal for a family home evening lesson as well to help youth learn the symbols for creating the armor of God.

To Make: Copy, color, and cut out the boy and armor pieces that follow. Mount the three-part boy on a poster and laminate the entire poster. Laminate the armor pieces. Cut out the songs from the wordstrips that follow and tape them on the back of the matching armor pieces.
To Use:
1. Introduce the activity by telling children that they can become a hero as they put on the whole armor of God.
2. Share one of the three Scripture Hero examples (below) or tell a story about someone who has put on the whole armor of God.
3. Display the Armor of God child-image and place the armor pieces on as you talk about and review each piece. To begin the activity, place armor near the body on a poster or board.
4. Have children take turns choosing a piece of armor and turning it over to pick a song to sing, then placing the armor on the body. Talk about how Satan tries to wound or kill us spiritually with inappropriate movies, television programs, videos, books, magazines, temptations to break the Word of Wisdom or to not go to church, and more. When we put on the whole armor of God, we fight for right and resist evil. Read Ephesians 6:14-17; D&C 6:2.
Armor of God Symbols (placement)
• HELMET (of salvation) – over the head, symbolizing clean thoughts and the word of God; learn His word by reading the scriptures, listening to the prophets and to the Spirit, and praying always (Shadrach’s example—Daniel 1)
• BREASTPLATE (of righteousness) – over our heart, symbolizing conscience and choosing the right (Enoch’s example—Moses 6-7; Moses 6:33)
• SHIELD (of faith) – symbolizing our faith in Jesus Christ, our Savior (David’s example—1 Samuel 17:37)
• GIRDLE (of truth) – symbolizing purity; we can withstand the fiery darts of Satan, who will lie to us; the spirit of the Holy Ghost can guide us to know truth
• SWORD (of the Spirit) – the word of God (read scriptures, pray always, listen to the Spirit)
• SHOES (shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace) – suggesting the way we should travel our course or journey in life (Nephi’s example—1 Nephi 11-12)
Examples of Scripture Heroes – Who Put on the Whole Armor of God?
• Captain Moroni: He wore armor to protect him in battle, but he wanted to have more than armor to protect his army, so he wrote the Title of Liberty. (See lesson 26 and 27 in Book of Mormon—Primary 4 Manual.)
• Helaman’s 2000 Stripling Warriors: They wore armor for protection in battle, but they received their strength and faith from their mothers, who taught them to put on the whole armor of God. They were taught to put trust in the Lord, and not to doubt. When they fought the battles, many of them were wounded, but not one of them was killed. They were protected because of their great faith in God. (See Alma 53:10-23; 56:41-56, and lesson 27 in Book of Mormon—Primary 4 Manual.)
• David Fighting Goliath: Because of his faith in the Lord, he was able to use a stone from his sling and hit the wicked giant Goliath on the forehead, killing him. The giant wore heavy armor while David did not. David wore a different kind of armor—spiritual armor from God. (See lesson 28 in Old Testament—Primary 6 Manual.)
• Talk to youth about how we can follow the ancient and living prophets to keep the commandments to shield and protect us – this armor of God is necessary to fight evil and temptations.
QUOTE: Put on the Armor of God “We have the responsibility to stand strong with a shield of faith against the fiery darts of the adversary. We are role models to the world, protecting God-given, inalienable rights and freedoms. We stand in defense of our homes and our families. … How will you resist [Satan’s] aggressive tactics? Put on the whole armor of God.” – Elder Robert D. Hales of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, “Stand Strong in Holy Places,” April 2013 general conference