$3.00 CHURCH MOUSE MAZE singing meter: Primary Music Singing Time Activities to Motivate Children to Sing, download from GospelGrabBag.com


CHURCH MOUSE-METER, reverence reminder & reverence badge

7 pages (color and black-and-white visuals, instructions)

Church-Mouse Meter

DESCRIPTION: Church-Mouse Meter helps children sing reverently. If children are noisy during singing time, the mouse stays hidden. If they are singing well and reverently, the mouse will come out and join them.

To Make: Print, color, and cut out the church house and mouse that follow. Laminate. As shown on the pattern, mount the plate on the backside of the church near the left side, gluing only on the edge as indicated so you can slide the mouse through the plate. Slide mouse on a paper plate and fold round tab behind the mouse to prevent the mouse from sliding clear out. Hold on to the tab to move the mouse back and forth.

To Use: Tell children that the reverent mouse won’t come out until they are quiet; they can’t begin singing the song until the reverence mouse is out of the church house. While singing, children need to make beautiful music (no shouting or yelling the song or talking during singing time), or the reverence mouse goes back into the house. This might be good to use on songs you want to sing reverently.

Reverence Badge

Objective: Reward children for being reverent during sharing time and singing time, announcing they were “reverent as a mouse in Heavenly Father’s house.”

To Use: Give badge to children when they have been exceedingly reverent in Primary. Smaller children may want a badge pinned on them.

To Make: Print, color, and cut out badges that follow. Laminate. Have safety pins or paper clips available.

More Learning Activities:

$0.75 - Reverence: LDS Lesson Activity - Reverence Award certificate, Primary, Primary Sharing Time, Singing Time, gospelgrabbag.comAWARD: Reverence Award Certificate

SING songs:
The Church of Jesus Christ using song visuals (HERE or right/below)

• Reverence Is Love, Children’s Songbook, 31
• Reverently, Quietly, Children’s Songbook, 26
• I Will Try to Be Reverent, Children’s Songbook, 28

LOCATE STORE AND MORE Singing Fun Activities:

SHOP STORE for song visuals and more motivational activities like this one. Or, access them from the MUSIC Singing Fun Activities menu above (or click HERE to view list).

The Church of Jesus Christ SONG VISUALS

LDS Primary songs – Singing Fun Activities, Church-Mouse Meter, Music leader, sharing time, family home evening

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