Youth GOAL
PATRIARCHAL BLESSING Message Memo and Preparation Checklist
Prepare for, receive and memorize my patriarchal blessing from Heavenly Father.
Goal Ideas
Use the Patriarchal Blessing Preparation Checklist (below) to prepare.
Use the Patriarchal Blessing Message Memo (below) to record what: I was blessed with; I must do.
Before the blessing, youth can do many things to prepare for the patriarchal blessing: Pray to get ready; Make an appointment to see the bishop and patriarch; Go with a desire to know the Lord’s will concerning your life.
After the blessing, think of the gifts and talents you have and how they can help you work to realize those blessings.
“Your patriarchal blessing is yours and yours alone. It may be brief or lengthy, simple or profound. Length and language do not a patriarchal blessing make. It is the Spirit that conveys the true meaning. Your blessing is not to be folded neatly and tucked away. It is not to be framed or published. Rather, it is to be read. It is to be loved. It is to be followed. Your patriarchal blessing will see you through the darkest night. It will guide you through life’s dangers. Unlike the struggling bomber of yesteryear, lost in the desert wastes, the sands and storms of life will not destroy you on your eternal flight. Your patriarchal blessing is to you a personal Liahona to chart your course and guide your way.” – Your Patriarchal Blessing: A Liahona of Light, Thomas S. Monson, Second Counselor in the First Presidency
Patriarchal Blessing checklist and memo
GREAT FOR Youth Goals, Sunday School, Scripture Study, Family Night, Come Follow Me
Checklist: Help youth prepare themselves for their patriarchal blessings with this Blessing Prep Checklist.

Message Memo: Then after receiving their blessing, have them read it with a prayerful heart and record the special messages on the Patriarchal Blessing Messages Memo. Encourage them to live worthy to receive the blessings promised.
TO MAKE print checklist and memo for each youth.
A patriarchal blessing is a personal revelation for our lives. It helps us understand our potential and the blessings we can receive if we are faithful. It may contain promises, admonitions, or warnings to guide our lives. It also helps us know that Heavenly Father knows and cares about us personally.
– Prepare Yourself Spiritually:
1. If you have received a patriarchal blessing, how has it guided your life? How has it helped you in times of adversity? How has it inspired you?
2. In what ways can a patriarchal blessing be a guide in the lives of the young women you teach? Why is it important for them to know their lineage in the house of Israel? How can you help them prepare to receive a patriarchal blessing?
1. Talk about patriarchal blessings and about earthly fathers—what they want for their children and what they do for their children. Discuss what Heavenly Father does and wants for His children, and the things He gives us to help us.
2. Have youth write a letter of appreciation to their Heavenly Father and put it in a sealed envelope. Tell them to nourish these feelings so they will grow. Have them put the letter in their journal for one year.
3. After the year is up, have them then write another letter to Heavenly Father, expressing appreciation and love, then compare by re-reading the letter from the previous year.
4. Then have them repeat steps 2–3 and compare the feelings from one year to the next, watching their love increase.
Have the wife of a patriarch come and relate her special insights and experiences regarding patriarchal blessings. She can also tell how she supports her husband in his calling as the patriarch. Tell the steps involved in obtaining a patriarchal blessing, what to do with your patriarchal blessing, and how to read and understand it so it will help you throughout your life (see Without Fear video below).
• ARTICLE: What a Patriarchal Blessing Can Do for You
• VIDEO: Without Fear – An Italian missionary suffering from diabetes recounts how he didn’t serve his mission until he received his patriarchal blessing.
Have different mothers and older women in the ward who have received their patriarchal blessing share how it has helped them in their life. Discuss how each blessing is different and very personal. If parts of a blessing are shared, approve what is shared with leaders ahead of time.
• QUOTE FROM THE PROPHET: “Your patriarchal blessing will see you through the darkest night. It will guide you through life’s dangers.” —Thomas S. Monson “Your Patriarchal Blessing: A Liahona of Light,” October 1986 General Conference
• VIDEO: Our Own Lineage (Your Patriarchal Blessing: “It is a Liahona to point you to your heavenly home.”) by Thomas S. Monson
Your Patriarchal Blessing: A Liahona of Light