POST-AND-PRESENT ACTIVITY. KEEP INSIDE THE FENCE Commandments Keep us Safe quiz. The prophet today leads us to keep God’s commandments. They tell us how to be safe from spiritual and physical dangers. Like the sheep inside the fence, we can be safe from the dangerous wolves, rocks, rivers, and pits. If we sin we can repent and go back inside the fence by keeping the commandments and being safe.
USE FOR: COME FOLLOW ME, Primary and Home lessons, Family Home Evening, Sunday School, Bible Study
Keep Inside the Fence: Commandments Keep Us Save quiz
OBJECTIVE: Help youth know that we can be safe from physical and spiritual dangers. As we (the sheep) keep the commandments, we can stay inside the fence (see commandments on the fence). If we do not keep the commandments, we are subject to dangers: wolves, rocks, rivers, pits. If we go outside the fence, we can repent and go back inside to keep safe. STAYING INSIDE THE FENCE helps us to avoid Satan’s lies and temptations (2 Nephi 28:6, 8, 21-23, 29).

TO MAKE print activity in color or black and white. Use tape or magnets to mount visuals. Use tape or magnets to mount visuals.
1. Mount the fence pieces on the board and the sheep around the room or under chairs.
2. Talk about the rules we need to obey to stay safe. Parents and leaders show love when they give us these rules. Heavenly Father has given us rules called commandments, and we are His sheep.
3. Talk about the OBJECTIVE (above).
4. Briefly tell the Parable of the Sheep, where Jesus found the one that was lost (Matthew 18:12 / Luke 15:1–7).
1. Mount the fence pieces on the board and the sheep around the room or under chairs. Talk about the rules we need to obey to stay safe. Parents and leaders show love when they give us these rules. Heavenly Father has given us rules called commandments, and we are His sheep. Talk about the OBJECTIVE (above). Briefly tell the Parable of the Sheep, where Jesus found the one that was lost (Matthew 18:12 / Luke 15:1–7).
2. Ask the youth to find a sheep and read the action. If the sheep obeyed God’s commandment, tell how it gives it safety and peace, then PLACE SHEEP INSIDE THE FENCE. If they did not obey, tell how it brings danger, then PLACE SHEEP OUTSIDE THE FENCE with the wolves, rocks, river, and pit.
3. If there is time, the youth can find the lost sheep and tell what they could do to repent and choose the right, then PLACE THE SHEEP INSIDE THE FENCE where there is safety.
RULES FOR SAFETY AND PEACE (written on the fences): Honor the Sabbath, Attend Church, Be Baptized, Forgive, Follow the Prophet, Pray Often, Keep the Word of Wisdom, Honor Parents, Attend the Temple, Share the Gospel, Repent, Dress Modestly, Pay Tithing, Be Honest, Read Scriptures, Love God, Love One Another, Have Family Home Evening
SHEEP SITUATIONS: Each of the sheep has a situation or attitude (way of thinking) that will help you determine whether they stay inside or go outside the fence. Two examples:
• SHEEP: It seems okay to be unkind to a kid at school; my friends are doing it. WHAT IS THE DANGER OF THIS DECISION?
• My grandmother was old, and her yard was full of weeds, so I got to work. HOW DOES THIS PROVIDE SAFETY AND PEACE?
THOUGHT TREAT: Wafer Fence and Cookie Sheep. Mount wafer cookies on a green- or brown-paper-covered cookie sheet with frosting to form a cookie fence. Place lamb/sheep-shaped cookies inside the fence. To make cookies cut out of sugar cookie dough (using cookie cutters*). Place sheep cookies inside the fence and talk about the safety and peace that comes from keeping the commandments. Read and talk about various scriptures found in the scripture INDEX. Example: Alma 5:60 “And now I say unto you that the good shepherd doth call after you, and if you will hearken unto his voice he will bring you into his fold, and ye are his sheep; and he commandeth you that ye suffer no ravenous wolf to enter among you, that ye may not be destroyed.”
* Find lamb-shaped cookie cutters at a kitchen store or online.
Source 2013.2