POST-AND-PRESENT Activity. PLAN OF HAPPINESS Plan-it Ponder scripture scramble. Ask youth about God’s plan for us from the beginning in premortal life, earth life now, and life after. Read scriptures on the stars and place each scripture/star next to the right PLANET. This will help them plan-it (their life) to make righteous decisions to follow Jesus and be HAPPY.
Use for COME FOLLOW ME Primary and Home, Young Women, Young Men, Seminary/Institute, Family Home Evening
Plan-It Ponder (Life’s Plan Scripture Scramble)
1. Talk to the children/youth about how Heavenly Father has a plan for His children. Ask them if they can explain what His plan was for us in our premortal life, what it is in our mortal life (on earth), and what it will be in life after death.
2. Have children/youth find stars around the room and read them, then place the stars on the different worlds/planets to “Plan-It” as they ponder what Heavenly Father has in mind for us. Tell them that this is Heavenly Father’s plan of happiness. This plan of salvation makes Him happy, and it will make us happy too.

3. Tell children/youth that Jesus was asked if He wanted to follow God’s plan, and this is what He said to Heavenly Father, found in Moses 4:2: “But, behold, my Beloved Son, which was my Beloved and Chosen from the beginning, said unto me–Father, thy will be done, and the glory be thine forever.”
We also chose to follow Heavenly Father’s plan when we chose to follow Jesus. We were sent to earth to be tested to see which kingdom we will be placed in after we die. As we live the gospel of Jesus Christ and keep God’s commandments, we can live in the celestial kingdom with Heavenly Father and Jesus.
TO MAKE print activity in color or black and white. Cut out the plan of salvation worlds, arrow, and scripture stars. Laminate an entire poster and the images, then mount the spinner on the poster with a metal fastener.
THOUGHT TREAT: Out-of-this-“WORLD” and Smiling Star Cookies. Make round sugar cookies and star shaped cookies. Frost both cookies as follows: (1) Frost a “C” (for celestial) on the world cookie (frosting blue and brown to represent water and earth) and (2) a smiley face on the star cookie. Share both cookies with children/youth. Talk about how the world cookie should cause us to think about what type of world we want to live in after this life. The star cookie can remind us to shine brightly while we are on the earth so we can live in the celestial kingdom (the brightest world) with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.
More Learning Activities:
• Jesus Sent to Save Us – John 3:16 scripture poster
• Heavenly Father’s Plan of Happiness – 2 Nephi 9:13 scripture poster
• Baptism Helps Me Return to God’s Kingdom – John 3:5 scripture poster
• Jesus Guides Us Back to Heaven – John 14:6 scripture poster
• We are Children of God – Romans 8:16 scripture poster
• I Lived in Heaven (CS, 4)
• I Will Follow God’s Plan (CS, 164)
• My Heavenly Father Loves Me (CS, 228)
IDEAS FROM CHURCH SHARING TIME “Families Are Forever” February Week 1 lesson “Heavenly Father Has a Plan for His Children”
Encourage understanding (reading scriptures): Identify the doctrine (saying the doctrine): Have three children come to the front of the room. Have the first say, “Heavenly Father,” the second, “has a plan,” and the third, “for His children.”
Divide the children into three groups, and ask each group to stand and, with the help of the three children as leaders, repeat their part of the sentence. Repeat several times, giving each group a chance to say each phrase.
Encourage understanding (reading scriptures): Explain that before we were born, we lived in heaven with our heavenly parents; Heavenly Father wanted us to become more like Him, so He presented a plan.
Divide the board into three sections and label them “Premortal Life,” “Mortal Life,” and “Life after Death.” Briefly discuss each (see True to the Faith: A Gospel Reference [2004], 115–17).
Divide the children into small groups, and give each group one or more of the following scriptures: Genesis 1:1; Alma 12:24; Alma 34:32; Alma 40:12; Doctrine and Covenants 76:62; Moses 4:2; Abraham 3:22–23. Invite each group to read their scripture, tell the other children what their scripture is about, and write the reference under the correct heading on the board. Encourage application (drawing pictures):
Give each child a piece of paper divided into thirds. Ask them to draw something that represents each part of God’s plan (premortal life, mortal life, and life after death). Encourage them to share their pictures with their families at home. Sing together “I Will Follow God’s Plan” (CS, 164–65)
USE IN FEBRUARY: February: “The Plan of Salvation” |
Source ST.2014.Feb.#1
YOUTH CAN TEACH as they have their class or family read the scriptures written on the stars. Star Examples (see initials below):
PL Genesis 1:1 “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.”
ML Alma 12:24 “This life is a time to repent.”
LAD D&C 76:62 “These shall dwell in the presence of God and his Christ forever and ever.”
Then, place them next to the Pre-mortal Life (PL), Mortal Life (ML), and Life After Death (LAD). This shows God’s plan of HAPPINESS is for us. Living like Jesus can guide us back to our heavenly home where we can live with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ forever.